Australian Yoga Journal - May June 2017

(Tina Sui) #1

The Mindful in May (MIM) global mindfulness
challenge encourages participants to meditate for
ten minutes each day throughout May while
raising funds to build clean water projects in the
developing world. So far, more than 20,
people from 35 countries have taken part in previous challenges, raising more
than half a million dollars. Created by psychiatrist and mindfulness meditation
expert Dr Elise Bialylew, the online program teaches participants how to
meditate through a daily program including audio guided meditation and
video interviews with experts in wellbeing and mindfulness. What a perfect
opportunity to begin a regular meditation practice, or motivate an existing one
while contributing to a cause. We’re all for that!

When Diana Scott, founder of Frontier Pets, felt
disheartened with commercially produced dog food
and the lack of information about the ingredients, she
saw a niche in the market for health-conscious pet
owners. Years of research led her to the discovery that
most commercial dog foods are full of over-processed ingredients and industrialised
animal by-products, and to creating a more mindful alternative. Her passionate
exploration led to the production of Frontier Pets — ethically farmed, nutritionally dense
pet food. From paddock to pooch, we’re loving this more yogic alternative, keeping our
fur babies happy and

Now you can rest in the knowledge that your wine
habit includes more benefits than simply warding
off heart disease. It’s in the US only for now, but we think ReCORK is a great
idea. The US’s largest natural wine cork recycling program has created the
world’s first yoga block made from 198 natural, recycled wine corks. The
up-cycled blocks are a beautiful alternative to non eco-friendly synthetic
versions. With more than 3000 public cork drop-off locations, wine corks are
now being put to good use. We’ll cheers to that! Visit to view
the 198* Block, preview other recycled natural cork products from the initiative,
and learn more about ReCORK’S story.

Mindful movements

Sahaja are the new yoga mats that give back. With a goal to light up 108 million lives, a
Gold Coast-based yoga teacher is donating a solar light to families in Mozambique each
time a mat is purchased. It’s reported that 54% of the Mozambique population lives
in poverty, meaning many families have no electricity or light. Sahaja founder, Judes
Yang, says, “At one point, the yoga community I was a part of brought darkness into my
life, but it has also been a major aspect of my healing. The inspiration for the project
comes from my family, friends and community who inspire me every
day. My yoga teacher, Shiva Rea, inspired the name
Sahaja and the solar lights through her energy and
activism work.” The mats can be purchased from Essence
of Living, Blockout and Life Synergy Acupuncture and
Nutrition on the Gold Coast.

Mindful in May

A glass of red a day can now

assist your yoga practice

The eco-friendly yoga mats lighting up the world

Free download pdf