Australian Yoga Journal - May June 2017

(Tina Sui) #1


may/june 2017



Carrie-Anne Fields
Carrie-Annefounded My Health Yoga in 1998 to
specialise in yoga, counselling and healing. She
has a degree in psychology and is certified in
yoga, acupuncture, kinesiology, reiki and Ka
Huna Bodywork. Carrie-Anne is an accredited
Level 3 Senior Yoga Teacher and represents
Australia as a board member of the World
Movement for Yoga and Ayurveda.

Dear Carrie,
As a first-year teacher still finding my authentic voice, I would like to weave three
pieces of memorable yoga philosophy into my classes, perhaps to reflect a theme
(such as nature), but mostly to connect mind to mind with my group. Can you
please offer your experience and wisdom? Many thanks and namaste... Di



Hi Di, I love this question as personally I
feel it’s important to offer philosophy in
every yoga class so students are aware that
yoga is not just physical exercise. The easiest
way to bring in philosophy is at the
beginning and end of the class when your
students are connecting to their breath, in a
meditative space and without the distraction
of doing a strong asana. Setting a theme for
your class is wonderful and then you can
carry this theme into your whole class.
Perhaps the theme of nature could be
conveyed as: “Connect yourself to nature
knowing you are one with this infinite
intelligence. There is no separation from you

and nature and in this knowing you can
return to your own natural rhythm and
peaceful order just as nature does. You can
learn to shine in beauty and magnificence
without being self-conscious, just as nature
does. You can become abundant and
prosperous, just as nature does. You can
learn to ‘be’ without the constant internal
mind chatter, just as nature does ...” If
students are reminded of their true ‘nature’,
so much stress and anxiety can be released
immediately. Enjoy creating philosophy
themes for all your classes — I know you
will hear many times over from your
students, “I really needed to hear this today!”


Dear Carrie,
I have been doing adjustments in my classes during relaxation lately. Immediately
after I feel nauseous and today my hands started to shake. It subsides quickly, but I
was just wondering why this might happen? Mel

Hi Mel! Great question that I’m sure
other yoga teachers can relate to. It sounds
like there is a transference of energy from
your students to you. It may be one student
in particular who is releasing some heavy
energy. You are no doubt a natural healer
which is wonderful; however, it is really
important to do some kind of energy
disconnection or clearing technique after
you teach so you don’t take on anyone’s
energy. It is best to allow each student to be
in their own power, learning how to release
for themselves. A student may unknowingly
‘dump’ energy on you. I always say after a
yoga class or a private healing session, “I
give back with love my student’s energy (or
my client’s name) and I take back with love

my energy. So be it, It is done.”  Some other
teachers/healers like to use crystals or a
smudge stick in their yoga room or have a
shower and imagine any ‘dark’ energy
washing down the drain. Other techniques
include imagining a waterfall cascading
down on you, clearing your energy field and
aura. Others do Reiki. Also just to note,
when we release heavy, stuck, negative or
dark energy we often get nausea, headache
and in the case of fear or anxiety releasing,
the hands can shake so I suspect your
student may have some depression and
anxiety at the moment. Of course your yoga
classes will assist them tremendously, so
keep up the amazing work.


Dear Carrie,
When it comes to having blockages mentally because we have hurt and taken
energy away from people in the past (recent past for me, last year) —
what happens if we are no longer in contact with those people and cannot
give back to them? I’m feeling pretty stuck. Holly
Hi Holly, it’s so wonderful you are
willing to ‘right the wrongs’ so to speak.
The best thing to do is to meditate on that
person and in your mind create a gold figure
of eight from your heart to their heart (to
lovingly connect the hearts). Then mentally
apologise to them for any hurt you have
caused them and also mentally explain that

what you did was because you weren’t in
the best place yourself emotionally. Ask for
their forgiveness and send them kind, loving
wishes. You can do this everyday until you
don’t feel stuck any more. Don’t
underestimate the power of this technique
— energy work is incredibly effective as
energy knows no boundaries.


Got a question for Carrie?
Send them to [email protected]

Our yoga expert Carrie-Anne Fields answers

your philosophical questions.

Dear Carrie

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