The Australian Women’s Weekly New Zealand Edition — May 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

MAY 2017 111

Maggie’s tips
●Dried chestnuts are available
from Asian supermarkets or online.
The soup mixture can stand in a
stainless steel saucepan, but if using
aluminium, transfer the mixture to a
bowl before refrigerating.

½ cup (125ml) boiling water; stand the
mushrooms for 15 minutes.
2 Meanwhile, place a large heavy-based
saucepan over medium heat. Once hot,
stirring every 30 seconds so it doesn’t
burn. Add garlic and rosemary; continue
to cook for another 2-3 minutes or until
garlic is light golden.
3 Stir in one-third of the portobello
mushrooms; cook, stirring occasionally,
for 2-3 minutes. When they have softened,
add another one-third of the mushrooms
and repeat this until you have added all
the mushrooms. Season with sea salt.
4 Strain the porcini mushrooms over a
jug; reserve porcini liquid. Chop porcini
coarsely. Add the verjuice and reserved
porcini liquid to the mushrooms in the

pan; cook, stirring, for 3 minutes or until
liquid is almost evaporated.
5 Pour in the stock and bring to a rapid
simmer. Reduce heat; simmer, covered,
6 GARNISHMeanwhile, heat butter and
oilin a medium frying pan over high heat.
Add the pine mushrooms; cook for about
3 minutes or until browned.
7 Remove the soup from the heat. Stir
in the crème fraîche and thyme leaves.
Blend with a stick blender until smooth
(or stand for 10 minutes before carefully
pouring into a jug blender and purée
until smooth). Season to taste with salt
and freshly ground black pepper.
8 Serve the soup in warmed bowls
topped with the fried mushrooms.
Not suitable to freeze or microwave.

Chicken and chestnut soup
You will need to start this recipe at
least 5 hours ahead of serving.

150g dried chestnuts
2 cups (500ml) full-cream milk
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 large (200g) brown onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 litre (4 cups) good-quality chicken stock
2 bay leaves
3 sprigs fresh thyme

1 Place the chestnuts and milk in a
medium saucepan; place over medium-
high heat. Reduce the heat and simmer
Place a lid on pan and allow to stand for
1 hour to cool, then refrigerate for 3 hours
or even overnight (see Maggie’s tips). The
chestnuts should absorb some of the milk
and become slightly soft.
2 Place a large pan over medium-high
heat. Add the oil, then onion; cook,
stirring, for 3 minutes or until softened.
Add the garlic; cook, stirring, for a further
3-4 minutes or until soft.
3 Pour in the stock, softened chestnuts
along with any remaining milk – it should
be about ¾ cup (180ml) – which has not
been absorbed, bay leaves and thyme.
Bring to the boil; reduce heat to simmer.
Simmer for 20 minutes or until softened.
4 Remove thyme and bay leaves. Blend
soup using a stick blender until smooth
(or stand for 10 minutes before carefully
pouring into a jug blender and blending
until smooth).
5 Return soup to pan; stir over medium
heat until hot. Season to taste with sea
salt and freshly ground white pepper.
Serve soup in warmed bowls; garnish
with extra thyme leaves and olive oil.
Suitable to freeze at the end of Step 4.
Not suitable to microwave.

Winter porcini
and portobello
mushroom soup
with crème fraîche

Maggie’s tips
●Dried porcini mushrooms are
available from greengrocers
and delicatessens. Fresh pine
mushrooms are available
from farmers’ markets.


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