The Australian Women’s Weekly New Zealand Edition — May 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

92 MAY 2017


ong been stuck on autopilot
when it comes to your
morning make-up routine?
Your go-to products and
relied-on technique might
make life straightforward in those
bleary morning moments when you
have one foot out the door, but
are they giving you the polished
presentation you’d like? If you haven’t
re-evaluated your beauty products or
technique in a year or two (or more!)
it might be time to consider some new
strategies to make the most of your
make-up in minimal time.
To start with, consider how your
current routine makes you feel. Modern
make-up should enhance your features
so you look fresh and feel confident.
Generally it’s about improving the
appearance of your skin, defining your
eyes and lips or brightening the under-
eye area where it’s needed. If, for you,
that means using only one product,
applied correctly – embrace it. If you’re
relying on a heavy mask of cosmetics,
consider stepping away from your
staples to try one or two new
formulations. Alternatively, learn some
new application tips from an expert at a
make-up counter that allow you to cut
down the number of products required.
To maximise your efforts, and have
you heading out the door feeling your
confident best, try these ground rules:


OrganiseClutter clouds the
mind, particularly if it’s the first
thing you face in the morning. You
shouldn’t have to spend time digging
through dried-out mascara tubes and
evening-only shimmer shadow to get
to the products you need. Instead,
remove the excess to another space,
say a second drawer, and isolate the
five to six products you actually need
for a full face. Like a co-ordinating
wardrobe, choose products and

colours that you know work well
together. Aneyeshadow palette in
complementary neutrals helps with
shade selection. You can rotate products
out for variation, but move the ones you
aren’t using to the second drawer.


Assess your environment
If you’ve ever been dismayed to
find a foundation tideline on
your chin as you look in your car’s
rear view mirror on the way to work
(or worse, not until the way home),
you’ll know the lighting in your
bathroom can’t always be relied on.
Downlights cast too many shadows
and yellow lights can change the way
you perceive skin tones. Front-facing
natural light is best, but a light-up
vanity make-up mirror with bright
LEDs and a magnifying option is a
good solution for your bathroom or
bedroom benchtop. Treat the place
you do your make-up like a
workstation and stock it with
everything you need like brushes,
cotton buds and cleanser so you can
get it done without distraction.


Prep and primeMake-up
sits better on well-hydrated skin.
You’ll also find you won’t need
to use as much. Apply moisturiser and
wait a minute or two – brush your
teeth or add some body lotion in the
meantime – before starting your
make-up. Even better, use a dedicated
make-up primer instead. It will hydrate
as well as smooth skin, minimise fine
lines and keep everything in place a
lot longer, without the need for
touch-ups or blotting shine.


Consider your toolsYour
fingers might be faster, but for a
flawless foundation finish a
brush comes up trumps every time.
Instead of painstakingly sweeping it on
with a traditional paintbrush-style
foundation brush, try a stippling brush
for a more lightweight, even finish.
A dense buffing brush with closely
packed bristles or a beauty blender
sponge will also allow you to polish on
product just where it’s needed over
your T-zone and chin, so you’ll save
product and time. Blending well is key
to a professional finish so double-check
there are no obvious edges.


MultitaskersIn the spirit of
less is more, it also helps to seek
out products that serve multiple
purposes – even better if they are in
portable packaging. Stick or crayon
forms of blush and lip colour make
application easy and don’t require
precision. Consider cream blush for
adding colour to both lips and cheeks,
or alternatively, dab a touch of lipstick
to cheeks and blend thoroughly with
your fingers forflattering co-ordinating
colour. Bronzer can be swept onto the
creases of eyes as a shadow, and
foundations with skincare benefits
such as moisturiser or serum are now
readily available.AWW


If you’re in a hurry, here are some things
●ContouringTry and do this quickly
and you’ll end up a mud-toned mess.
Instead, a sweep of blush or bronzer will
add definition.
●EyelinerEyes can often look brighter
and more “wide-eyed” without the
application of heavy liner.
●PowderFoundations are advanced
these days so setting them isn’t essential.
Instead, carry a compact and touch up
where needed later in the day.
●Dark eyeshadow coloursA smoky
eye is a classic, but it takes time and
blending to perfect. If you’re short of
time, choose a warm taupe or bronze
shade and apply as a wash over the lid.

Streamline your make-up routine to ace your face with Megan Bedford’s tips.

[ Beauty ]

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