Rotman Management — Spring 2017

(coco) #1

108 / Rotman Management Spring 2017

Nicholas Epley is the John Templeton Keller Professor of Behavioural
Science at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.
He is the author of Mindwise: How We Understand What Others Think,
Believe, Feel and Want (Borzoi/Alfred A. Knopf, 2014).

were in their circumstances. How would I feel if I were living
in poverty? Would I understand this presentation if I were
one of our clients?
The weakness of this approach is that its effectiveness
relies on our ability to imagine another person’s perspective
accurately. If your belief about the other side’s perspective
is mistaken, carefully considering that perspective will only
magnify the mistake’s consequences. This is particularly
likely in conflict, where members of opposing sides tend to
have inaccurate views about each other. Across many stud-
ies, my colleagues and I have found no clear evidence that
perspective taking helps.
We have found that a much better approach is perspec-
tive getting, which means putting the other person in a po-
sition where they can tell you what they think, openly and
honestly. Companies understand their customers better
when they get their perspective directly through conver-
sation, surveys or face-to-face interaction — not when ex-
ecutives make guesses from the boardroom. And spouses
understand each other when they are willing to share their

thoughts openly and verify that they’ve heard correctly —
not when they walk past each other in silence, thinking they
already understand their spouse perfectly.
In the end, other peoples’ minds will never be an open
book. But in a world of seven billion people — where both
your happiness and your economic success depend on your
relationships with others — it is hard to imagine a more use-
ful ability to work on than understanding people.

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