Rotman Management — Spring 2017

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How do you define ‘nudge marketing’?
Nudge marketing is all about structuring a consumer choice
environment to get the consumer to do a certain thing. The
issue is, we can think about ‘consumer behaviour’ as a series
of single decisions or actions; or we can think about it as a
constellation of behaviours that eventually lead to an out-
come, down the road. Using the latter definition, nudge mar-
keting is just one piece of the puzzle: It essentially focusses
on the first step of consumer behaviour. If you think about
consumer behaviour more broadly, you can do a lot more to
influence positive long-term outcomes.

You have found that nudging has a dark side. Please ex-
The problem is, as a methodology, nudging often stops
short. Vanguard is one of the biggest retirement plan ad-
ministrators in the U.S. In 2015, 61 per cent of the people who
joined their retirement savings plan signed up for automatic
enrollment — which is a classic nudge. These consumers ba-
sically said, ‘Take this amount of money from my paycheque
every month’.

A marketing expert argues
that nudging is a powerful
tool — but that it shouldn’t
be used in isolation.

Interview by Karen Christensen

QUESTIONS FOR Utpal Dholakia, Professor of Marketing, Rice University
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