Money Australia — May 2017

(nextflipdebug5) #1


hings are looking finan-
cially sound for your
family. You have built a real-
ly solid base as you move
towards the dreaded 50
years old. I am not too
sure why so many people
worry about turning 50. It
must be a hang-up from the
not-so-distant days when we
blokes died, on average, at 54.
It is quite extraordinary that in
just over 100 years life expectancy has
jumped by 25 years. The good news is that for
most of us turning 50 is simply a great excuse
for a party, and I strongly recommend not
missing that opportunity. My 50th went so
well, and I managed to spread it out for most of
the year, that I did a repeat for my 60th.
The media’s moaning about “the problems
of the ageing society” does cause me much
mirth. The “problem” is wonderful for us
humans – it means we are not dying as young.
I am happy to celebrate that.
But as you and your wife’s 50th looms, you
are smart to look at your capital base today
and to ponder what amount of money you
need to live well in the future. Adding to the
challenge is that we are also living better than
ever. That is also terrific but, let’s face it, our
plans for overseas travel, eating out and so on
require more money than camping locally and

boiling beans.
As you have a
defined benefit
scheme, I think I can
safely assume you
have been in it for
some time. Presuma-
bly this will be a multi-
ple of your final salary.
I don't think either of us
can guess what this will be
but I think it is safe to say that
the payout will meet at least your
basic living needs at around age 60-plus.
You can’t do any more there, and as your
wife is likely to be a low-tax payer as a part-
time worker, I don’t think super is as effective
for her, so I’d keep topping it up as you are
now. If she was to go back to full-time work as
the kids become adults, then I think super real-
ly comes into play for her. Now, though, I agree
with building wealth elsewhere.
I appreciate your mortgage is small given
the value of your house and your income but I
would still plan to pay it off reasonably rapidly
and certainly by 55.
Then we turn to the issue of shares or
property. With a home and an investment
property, it is hard for me not to recommend
diversification and to even consider using that
line of credit to build a nice portfolio of local or
international shares. You have not mentioned

If you have a question, email money@bauer or write to GPO Box 4088,
Sydney NSW 2001. Questions need to be 150
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Next step to secure a comfortable future


am a little unsure with the direction we
should take in terms of our next invest-
ments. I am 48 and my wife is 47 with three
teenagers still living at home. I earn $165,000
a year and my wife works casually. We have a
mortgage and owe $110,000, a line of credit
up to $235,000 and a main residence worth
$1 million. We have an investment property
in regional NSW worth $425,000 and owe
$300,000. We purchased the property about
10 years ago and there has not been much
capital gain. I am in a defined benefit super
scheme with my employer and salary sacrifice
the maximum $30,000 and am aware of the
reduction to $25,000 from July 1. My wife
contributes $25 a month to her super. We
have shares valued at $25,000.
Although the median house price is $1 mil-
lion in Sydney, should I invest in another prop-
erty and sell the property in regional NSW?
Do I contribute to my wife’s superannuation
to boost this as well?

shares, so they may not pass your personal
“sleep-at-night” test, but I always start with
spreading risk as people build wealth.
I am not much of a believer in the “property
prices to crash” headline. Yes, in our major
cities property is downright expensive on
any global comparison. At some stage it will
go backwards. But with powerful population
growth I do believe in supply and demand, and
if property is your thing it is hard for me to
argue it will be worth less in, say, 20 years as
you consider retirement or slowing down.
So providing you do not risk what you have
achieved to date by overgearing, and buy a
good property in a growth location and have
a long-term view, while I am a little concerned
about concentration risk I would not have a
heart attack if you bought another property.
The critical issue is that you keep up what
you have been doing. Top up your super, pay
down your mortgage and make sensible deci-
sions when it comes to borrowing to invest.

Paul Clitheroe PAU L’S V E RDICT

Anthony ... off to a strong start.

Paul’s verdict:

Don’t overgear

and risk what

you have already

Buy in a growth location and
take a long-term view
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