Australian Business & Money Making Opportunities — May-June-July 2017

(Ben Green) #1

the sun. Don’t believe me? try googling
‘how to get my bread to rise’ and you get
over 5.6 million results, or try ‘How to
improve my golf swing’ and over 1.25 mil-
lion results are returned, or try something
more obscure like ‘How to stop my dog
barking’ and you get over 770,000 results.
What I’m trying to say here is that regard-
less of what you are knowledgeable about
there is someone out there looking for
answers to problems in that particular area.
If you can provide a solution to the
people who are looking for answers, in a
way that they can easily access, then you
can get paid for doing it.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to
produce an e-book and with websites such
as Amazon kindle direct publishing; it’s now easier
than ever to get your e-book out into the
market place. If you add an audio or video
version as well, then you will greatly
improve your widespread appeal.
Do your research right and you can eas-
ily find the most common problems in your
chosen niche. A very good way of finding
what problems people need solving is to go
direct to the market itself. One of the best
places to look can be online forums dedi-
cated to your chosen subject, you will find
numerous people here looking for answers
to an abundance of problems. Places like
Yahoo Answers are also a great way of
finding out what problems people are fac-
ing. If you want to you can always go and
survey people in your chosen niche.
This is not only a great way to find out
what problems people need solving, it’s
also very valuable to you because the peo-
ple are basically telling you what product
they need. All you have to do is give it to


Research within your chosen niche is
vital. It’s important because it tells you
what the market is thinking and more
importantly what it wants. It also tells you
if the demand is big enough to be worth
your time and effort creating products that
that particular market is asking for.
By going direct to the market you can
discover what problems they face, what
solutions they’ve tried, what has worked
and what hasn’t worked, you’ll get a better
insight into what people want and be bet-
ter placed to provide a solution in a target-
ed way.
If you already have a list, that’s great,
send them a brief email questionnaire, ask
them what they want to learn about, what
problems they have (short term and long
term), what kind of information they need.
One great way to find a niche market is
to use the Google Keyword Tool
rdToolExternal You can see how many
people are searching for a specific word or
phrase, this is an invaluable tool to ascer-
tain if there is a demand for the niche you
are considering. If there are 10,000 search-
es per month or more and very little com-
petition from advertisers, you may well
have found yourself a niche that’s ready
and waiting to be tapped into.


It’s important as an internet marketer
to constantly be on the lookout for new
ideas and continue to search for new nich-
es and markets that you can potentially tap
into. This will not only increase the num-
ber of income streams you have but will
also ensure that you are not putting all
your eggs into one basket should one niche
area start to wane. Having said that, don’t
give up on one niche just because you
have had a successful product. If one
product has worked, then the potential is
there to sell more, keep going in that same
niche until you have 4 or 5 good products
all making you money.
Don’t forget to keep a constant rela-
tionship with your existing buyers, send
out emails at least once a month, send
them offers, upsells and other products
that you think they may be interested in.
Remember it is easier and cheaper to sell
to someone who has already been a cus-
tomer than to sell to a complete stranger.
You are surrounded by places where
you can gain inspiration for new niche
markets. Try going to the magazine sec-
tion of your local newsagent, look at the

various magazines on sale and the subjects
they cover, chances are that If there’s a
magazine for it, then it is likely to have
enough potential buyers to be a worth-
while niche market.
As I mentioned earlier you can also
find inspiration by playing around with the
Google Ads Keyword Tool as well.


What I mean by this is quite simply
finding more specific fields of interest
within your chosen niche. For example,
maybe your niche is the beauty market so
then your more specific areas within this
market could be hair, or nails, looking
younger or even the make-up niche.
Taking the make-up niche as an exam-
ple, you can narrow this down to things
such as applying lipstick, foundations for
different skin types, or applying eye make
Lets say you decide to create products
about eye make-up. If you are somewhat
of an expert on this subject then that’s
great, turn what you know into an e-book
or a step by step video tutorial. If you are
not then don’t worry you could interview
experts in this area and maybe record the
interview and produce your product from
By going deeper and being more pre-
cise you could really get the most out of
your chosen niche and because you’re
being very specific you can open up a
whole world of possibilities to build on.
Remember people love to learn from
experts and so that attention to detail will
pay off.
It’s also a good idea to think laterally
within your niche market and consider
what other products or services people
might be interested in. As I mentioned ear-
lier, if people have already bought from
you, then suggest other products you think
they may be interested in or offer them an
upsell of another higher priced product.
Finally, make sure that you take care-
ful notes of what works and what doesn’t
work, then maybe look at how you can use
what works in the future and whether you
can fix the things that do not work or if
you need to discard them and try a differ-
ent approach.

Australian Opportunities Magazine • M/J/J 2017 • • 27

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