ake a List. Heard that
before?The majority of net-
work marketers are committed.
When I say committed, I mean if you’re
reading this, you laid out some hard earned
dollars to join your company. That’s not
“kicking tyres”, or saying “I’ll try it out”,
no you actually made a “commitment”.
My old man would have said, “You put
some skin in the game!” So there’s no con-
vincing, or explaining the business model
of network marketing to you because...
you get it!
It is for this reason I market my busi-
ness (high - ticket) to network marketers
and network marketers only. Y’all get it!
So when it comes to showcasing an MLM
business there’s no, “Well, I don’t know if
that’ll work!” Or “Isn’t that just another
one of those pyramid things?” Or, my aun-
tie on my father’s side whose cousin’s
brother got into one of those things was
scammed into buying a crap load of expen-
sive detergent and it just sat in his garage
and he couldn’t GIVE it away!”
You get my drift? When we market to
what is known as the “target market” we
don’t have to put up with the nonsense I
just alluded to above. That being the case,
then why do we still have people in vari-
ous companies of MLM setting new peo-
ple up for failure by insisting they start
their businesses by targeting their “warm”
market? (friends & family)
My upline sponsor in an MLM I was a
part of back in the day gave me this thing
called a Memory jogger. Sound familiar?
And on it, there were words that were sup-
pose to jog my memory as to who I knew
since kindergarten. Come to think back on
it now, I think the name of the memory
jogger was entitled “Who Do You Know!”
Anyway, I was told that the people I would
write down on this list would be known as
“suspects” instead of prospects. He said
that we should never use the word prospect
for anyone that hadn’t seen our compensa-
tion plan first. Up until then, they should
be labelled as “suspects”. People you SU-
SPECT might be interested in your busi-
Now I took you on that trip down
memory “nightmare” lane because much
to my disbelief, in this day and age of
social media, tablets, laptops, smart-
phones, voice broadcasting, etc. You
STILL HAVE people out there who teach
new people coming into the network mar-
keting industry this malarky on how they
should get started.
Folks please, and I hope you’re not
doing this. But don’t set yourself up for
failure by trying to contact your so-called
“warm-market.” Your friends and family
won’t understand this business. Even say-
ing the letters M-L-M to people conjures
up in most people’s minds as... SCAM.
Do not share your MLM business with
your warm market!
Promote your business to like-minded
Trust me, if you take my advice and
market to MLM genealogy lead lists,
you’ll save yourself a lot of time, money
and heartache.
Getting Started in
Network Marketing?
Make a List
by Frank Mayes
Australian Opportunities Magazine • M/J/J 2017 • http://www.workfromhomemagazine.com.au • 47
Frank Mayes is a growth oriented home
business entrepreneur who has 34 years of
income tax preparation experience. Frank
also reviews popular home business ideas
and opportunities. His goal is to partner
with potential home business owners who
have a desire to earn six figures online.
Frank’s most popular home business
recommendation is Six-Figure Empire at
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