Australian Business & Money Making Opportunities — May-June-July 2017

(Ben Green) #1

70 • Australian Opportunities Magazine • M/J/J 2017 •

Advertising Gets Results!
Advertising in Australian Business & Money
Making Opportunities magazine works!
Many businesses and individuals have made
this a permanent part of what they do.
Why? Because these businesses and
individuals are getting results that pay! Our
readership is unique and extremely
motivated! Request our rate card today and
we will include a special Bonus 25%
discount codethat can be used on any of
our published advertising rates. A discount
code will only be included when requests are
received before an issues booking deadline.
AAA Media Network,
Box 5518, Windsor South, NSW 2756.
Email: [email protected]
or visit our Website
See page 71 for next issues deadlines.
See page 71 for display booking form.

This page provides details on a range of available advertisment sizes and the cost for each.

3DUH = $190- includes GST (180mm x 40mm)(Advertising is active for 3 FULL MONTHS)


25% discount

off published


2DUV = $130-includes GST (57mm x82mm)
(Advertising is active for 3FULL MONTHS)

How? When you buy any advertising space upto and including a 4DU size, you have
the opportunity of purchasing a duplicate space for exactlythe same ad to run in
the OPPORTUNITIES - PRODUCTS - SERVICES MART as shown on pages 59 -
65 this issue. The cost of purchasing duplicate advertising space is only 35% of the
prices listed on this page. For example if you purchase a 1DU at $90 it will cost you
an extra$31.50 (35% of $90 = $31.50) to run the samead. Therefore you will have
one advertisement placed in the body of the magazine and one placed in the sec-
tion already described. This doubles the chance of your ad being seen.
Half price classifieds.When you purchase any display advertising, you only pay
half price for a classified advertisement no matter how many words. The use of
page referencing in classifieds is only available to ads which are half page or
bigger. Just work out the pricing of classifieds in the normal way and halve the price.
IMPORTANT:All newAccounts must be pre-paid.(all prices DOinclude GST)
See page 71 for display advertising booking form.

2DUH = $130- includes GST (120mm x 40mm)(Advertising is active for 3 FULL MONTHS)

Advertising Is

Active For


3DUV = $190includes GST
(57mm x 124mm)
Choose a Display Ad size that fits your
budget. This page outlines some
common sizes and costs of Very
Affordable Advertising Space. Details on
larger spaces and multiple bookings are
available with our advertisers rate card.

The Work At Home

online Directory

Advertisers appearing in AB&MMO also
receive aFREElisting in the “Work From
Home and Home Based Income Directory”
and the “Work From Home Magazine”
valued at the equivalent magazine rate. All
OTHERlistees must pay to be able to place a
listing within this directory.

    All advertisers appearing in Australian Business & Money Making Opportunities magazine
    also receive a listing in the “Work From Home and Home Based Income Directory” and the
    “Work From Home Magazine” sites at and

Additional discounts

are available for

ongoing advertisers!

Over 80% Of Our
Advertisers Are
Repeat Advertisers.
This Result Speaks For Itself!

Advertising is active for

4DUH = $235
includes GST

(120mm x 82mm)

Double Your Advertising Space
for as little as $10.50 per month.

Request our advertisers rate card
today and we will include a special
discount code. You can use this to
receive a 25% discounton any of our
published advertising rates. Requests
must be made before an issues
booking deadline. Get your code today
by sending your request to:
[email protected]
Free download pdf