Elle Australia — May 2017

(Wang) #1


What does May have in store for your career, love life

Early May will shake up your
inner world, bringing things to
your awareness in sudden spurts.
Your mind is in overdrive, but
don’t think constant busy-ness is
productive. Take time to breathe
and process new developments,
especially around the full moon
in Scorpio on May 10, which will
highlight tension within close
partnerships. You’ll need to work
out financial issues with people
in your network, and while you’ll
be more communicative once
Mercury enters your sign on
May 12, money and your sense
of self-worth will continue to
be major themes all month. Be
mindful of your relationship
to the material world as the
new moon arrives on May 25.

AUG 24 – SEP 23
Complicated issues involving
what’s “yours” and “mine” will start
to clear up as your ruling planet
Mercury turns direct on May 3.
Perhaps you’ll manage to pay
someone back or get something
returned that you’ve been waiting
for. But things could get heated
around shared resources when
Mercury joins Uranus on May 9.
Uranus is unpredictable, so you
could score a major favour or run
into a deal-breaker. By mid-month,
Mercury will move into Taurus,
steering you towards a more
philosophical outlook. A new
moon on May 25 will nudge you to
become clear on your career goals.

While much of the month revolves
around partnerships, the full moon
in Scorpio on May 10 will make
you focus on your own physical,
emotional and spiritual needs.
You’ll be extremely busy at the
start of the month, but don’t forget
to listen to your body – if you feel
you’re giving too much to someone,
try setting clearer boundaries.
The opportunity to bring closure
to a lingering issue between
you and a partner through calm,
deliberate communication also
presents itself, but making peace
will require much more of an
effort on both your parts.

Changes in your relationships
are the focus of your month. A full
moon on May 10 will encourage
you to enjoy some alone time and
catch up on rest, but your concerns
about your partnership could
make it challenging to relax.
A conflict between your career
and a relationship could feel like
you’re being pulled in different
directions – keep in mind that it
doesn’t matter how much you try
to prevent change, it’ll still happen.
The new moon on May 25 offers
a fresh start for a relationship,
possibly a new romance. Enjoy
yourself, but think twice before
rushing into anything too soon.

You’ll be on fire with brilliant
ideas this month. Whether you’re
motivated by political movements,
philosophical impressions or your
own long-term agenda, you can
expect a mental light bulb to go
“ding”. Keep in mind you may also
come across as a bit pushy and
you’ll have to be flexible with your
schedule, especially around May 9.
The full moon on May 10 will put
you in the spotlight, calling
attention to your reputation.
Creative projects or romantic
feelings could also have you
trying to read between the lines,
even when there’s nothing to see.

FEB 20 – MAR 20
This month’s focus is on home
and family. Discord around your
living situation could have you
wanting to escape it all by May 11,
but you won’t get far if you try to
run now. Communication, empathy
and honesty are vital, because
misunderstandings may get ugly
if you don’t make an effort to work
out the truth. You’ll also want to be
aware of your spending habits
this month, particularly on May 9
and 19. It’s easy to overestimate
how much you have in your
account or go over your credit
card budget. Do yourself a favour
and steer clear of online shopping
until the itch to buy calms down.

MAR 21 – APR 20
It seems you have a lot to say
this month, Aries! People will
hear you loud and clear, but make
sure you think before you speak
(or press send on that email) –
especially between May 9 and 11

  • otherwise you risk sticking your
    foot in your mouth. Relationships
    may get pretty hot around May 19,
    but remember passion swings
    both ways. A new moon in Gemini
    floats in on May 25, nudging you
    to organise your schedule to fit
    your personal goals. If you feel
    like something’s been holding
    you back in your professional
    path, now’s the time to do
    something about it.‰

DEC 23 – JAN 20
A dilemma involving family or your
living situation may need to be
resolved. Don’t be surprised if
drastic changes occur overnight,
and stay open to whatever hand
life may deal you. Perhaps you’ll
move somewhere new, need to
make some home repairs or maybe
even welcome a new family
member. Late May introduces
some astrological weather that
could further push you out of your
comfort zone as you’re challenged
to find balance in your private and
public life. While the new moon
on May 25 brings your attention to
work goals, you won’t be able to
ignore the itch for more “me” time.

JUL 24 – AUG 23
Big surprises regarding your hopes
and dreams are due to arrive this
month, which may require you to
be more flexible with your vision
of the way you want things to be.
You’ve been busy with professional
matters since last month, but the
full moon on May 10 will prompt
you to wind down. You may have
to set boundaries with friends, but
don’t hesitate to rest and reflect

  • the next few weeks will be busy
    as you plan your next big moves.
    Make sure you’re extra prepared
    with checklists and double check
    your itinerary if you’re going abroad,
    particularly between May 9 and 10.

JUN 22 – JUL 23
In the early part of May, your career
goals will get kicked up a notch,
thanks to Mercury turning
direct in Aries then swinging into
a radically oriented Uranus. All
eyes will be on you, so don’t do or
say anything you don’t want to go
public. Although your reputation
is on an upswing this month, you
could find tension arising with
family around May 19 and conflict
within a partnership during the
new moon on May 25. Hear out
those who are dear to you and if
things that don’t normally bother
you start to get to you, it’s a sign
to slow down and appreciate
how far you’ve already come.

SEP 24 – OCT 23
Communication between you and
a partner will be a major theme
this month as Mercury turns direct

  • watch out for hot tempers before
    Mercury aligns with Uranus on
    May 9. Uranus is quite the wild
    card, so you could get surprising
    news. There may also be a lot
    of tug-of-war within personal
    interactions as your ruling planet
    Venus clashes with Jupiter and
    Pluto – finding the middle ground
    could be tough, even for someone
    as diplomatic as you. A new moon
    on May 25 will bring refreshing
    visions for your long-term plans,
    but you’ll need to face any fears
    you have around change.

MAY 22 – JUN 21
May will be an active month
for Geminis. Your ruling planet
Mercury is busy as it turns direct,
aligns to Uranus, then enters
Taurus. You could make major
progress on a collaborative effort,
but you’ll also want to make time
for mental clearing, through yoga
or meditation. While you can
expect plenty of energy with
Mars in your sign, watch out for
misunderstandings around May 11.
The sun enters Gemini late in
the month, making it all about
you. Celebrate a fresh start when
the new moon arrives on May 25

  • it’s a time of transformation, so
    set your intentions accordingly.

and friendships?Astrologer Ashley Otero reveals all

T APR 21 – MAY 21





Illustration: Joanna Sotiriou
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