TechLife Australia Issue 63 May 2017

(Romina) #1

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SPRING ISN’T EXACTLY in the air, but since
it’s most likely cold and rainy outside, now is
the perfect time to take a virtual vacuum to
your PC. It’s always the same story: despite
your best intentions, you rapidly lose control
of what goes on to your PC, as installed
programs are forgotten, while gigabytes of
files — documents, pictures and video —
are copied multiple times, clogging up your
hard drives. The result? A PC that’s slow to
start, performs sluggishly and is rapidly
approaching the limits of its storage capacity.

That’s where we come in. In this feature
we’ll reveal the tips and tricks you need to
clean up your PC. We’ve split the feature into
three sections, allowing you to take your
cleaning as far as you wish. Pushed for time?
Our light clean focuses on the quick and easy
ways to clean out space using only tools
provided by Windows. Feeling braver? We’ll
introduce tools that go further than Windows
does, and tackle the problem of duplicate files,
helping you to preserve the essentials while
freeing gigabytes of space in the process.

If you’re still not satisfied, our deep clean
will show you how to better balance the
competing demands of your PC’s resources,
strip back unnecessary services and optimise
older drives so they perform that bit quicker.
The end result is a revitalised PC, one that
more closely resembles the lean, mean speed
machine you bought, ready and able to face the
challenges you’ll be throwing at it in the next
12 months.
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