TechLife Australia Issue 63 May 2017

(Romina) #1

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[ M AC ]
Mac won’t wake up
My 21.5-inch iMac 21.5 (Late 2012) running
OS X 10.11.4 has started freezing when I try to
wake it from sleep. On entering the start of my
password, that repeats until I force the Mac to
shut down. The Console app’s logs have several
entries complaining of problems with
com.taoeffect.ispy.kext. Is that responsible?

Howard Oakley replies: That kernel extension
may well be to blame. It’s an old part of
Espionage 2, probably migrated from a previous
Mac. Ensure you have no more encrypted files,
as removing this will prevent their decryption.
In Finder, hold Option and choose ‘Go >
Library’, then remove files with Espionage
or iSpy in their name from the Application
Support, LaunchAgents, LaunchDaemons,
Services and PrivilegedHelperTools folders
within this folder. Also do this in the Library
folder at the top level of your startup disk.
Finally, get rid of iSpy.kext from /System/
Library/Extensions. Some of these will require
your password. Restart your Mac. If it continues
to crash on waking, run Apple’s hardware
diagnostics by starting up with D held (a wired
keyboard may help). You may find a memory
or other fault that needs to be fixed by an
authorised Apple repair centre, such as a
Genius Bar. If your hardware is OK, try
installing the latest OS X Combo updater over
your system. Remember to update security files
afterwards (see You can also
try starting up in safe mode, with Shift held
from the startup sound ‘til the Apple logo.

Limit storage space
for specific users
Our household uses a shared Windows PC,
with each user having a separate account.
One of my family members keeps filling up 

the hard drive — is there some way to put a
limit on that?

Nick Peers replies: The answer to your dilemma
lies with the Disk Quotas tool, which allows you
to specify the maximum amount of storage
space each user has on each attached drive.
Here’s how to set it up.
01 First, you need individually enable the
disk quotas feature for each hard drive.
Open ‘File Explorer > This PC’, right-click the
drive in question and choose ‘Properties >
Quota’ tab. Click ‘Show Quota Settings’ and
start by ticking ‘Enable quota management’.
02 Next, we’ ll set some universal limits
using the same tab. Tick ‘Deny disk
space to users exceeding quota limit’ and select
‘Limit disk space to’. Set your chosen limit
(probably in GB) — we also recommend setting
a warning limit, around 10–20% less than the
limit you’ve picked.
03 To set the limits for any individual
users, simply leave ‘Do not limit disk
usage’ selected and click ‘Quota Entries’ instead.
Then select ‘Quota > New Quota Entry’.

Click Advanced followed by ‘Find Now’ to list
all available users.
04 Select a name from the list (they must
have a user on your PC) and click OK
twice. Set their quota and warning limits as
required, then repeat for other users you wish
to apply limits to. Once done, close the window
and click OK twice.

Can’t use
headphones in
Windows 10
I recently purchased a new Lenovo PC to
replace my dead Acer, but have discovered
that I can’t use my headphones. My speakers
work normally, but there’s no sign of my
headphones under ‘Device Manager’ or
‘Devices & Printers’. I’ve tested them using
the TV and they work fine, but there’s no luck
when plugged into either front or rear port on
the PC. 

Mayank Sharma replies: The fact you’ve
tested them in your TV makes us think they’re

You can limit the amount of data separate
users can use by implementing Windows
10 ’s Quotas settings.

See what’s running on your
PC using HijackThis!

Applying an OS X Combo Update
(from over your
system can fix lingering problems.
Free download pdf