Cosmopolitan UK — June 2017

(Amelia) #1



hether it’s dried into pasta or squeezed into
serums, get as much of this underwater
shrubbery into your system as you can. Full of
omegas, vitamins and skin-regenerating minerals like
magnesium, its natural ability to survive all climates and
weather conditions means that even the most sluggish
cells will be pumped back into action. “One of the best
ways for your body to absorb magnesium is via your skin
so if you feel your face is looking fatigued, adding a
kelp-based product into your regime will reinvigorate it
immediately,” explains David Delport, Head of Education
at REN Skincare. It’s also a completely sustainable source
so there’s little threat of our seaweed supplies running
short. Seriously good news when more and more brands
are looking to the ocean for answers.

Skin Design Retexturising Serum, £105. Plum & Ashby Seaweed
& Samphire Body Lotion, £19. Lee Stafford Sea Salt Crystal Shampoo, £9.99.
REN Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium Salt Anti-Fatigue
Exfoliating Body Scrub, £18


verything feels better after a cup of char and that
goes for inflamed skin, too. But park your English
breakfast and look for white and green tea
(Camellia Sinensis on the ingredients breakdown). Less
processed than black tea, the leaves are steamed straight
after picking which means those all-important
polyphenols and antioxidants stay in tact. “As well as
mopping up free radicals caused by pollution and UV
rays, recent studies have confirmed green tea can help
reduce UVB induced Enythema (redness),” explains
Atoshi. What’s extra exciting is that these delicate buds
also save cells from elastin-destroying enzymes that cause
wrinkles so invest if you’re keen to stay baby faced.

Windle & Moodie Healthy Head Treatment Shampoo, £22. Zero Skin Apple
& Green Tea Eye Mask, £24.99. Garnier SkinActive Green Tea Botanical Gel
Wash, £3.49. Garnier SkinActive Green Tea Botanical Toner, £3.49.
Eminence Organic Skincare Balancing Moisturizer Duo, £54

Te a

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