Cosmopolitan Philippines – May 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
best leaders can even turn
failures into wins. “You may
fail in a small way, but in the
long run, you win in a bigger
way. Output includes lessons,”
says Roxas. “You must be able
to answer the question ‘What
have you learned?’”

Being able to solve problems
by strategically applying her
skill set is a mark of a good
leader. “Think beyond the
current plan, and look at the
long-term plan. That’s why
knowing the company well is
important,” explains Roxas.
“If she were an event planner,
and keeping everything
together was the most
complex thing, she would
have to show that she had
planned for every eventuality,
and show that she was on top
of the situation. More than
anything, it’s providing
additional value.”

EntErprising And
At the end of the day, a leader
knows that results matter.
She also knows that
admitting to wanting to get
to the top is one part of
paving the way. Girl bosses
make their intentions known,
and back themselves up with
stellar performance. “You
have to want it, and you
shouldn’t be shy about it. You
should be very clear, but you
shouldn’t be a brat,” says
Roxas, adding, “The most
important thing is under-
standing that you are there
because you have a job to do.”

deserved) promotion—or
even a coveted leadership
“A leader is built over time;
it doesn’t just happen,” says
executive coach Suzy Roxas.
“You pick up skills and
develop relationships along
the way. You’re expected to
have none of those at the
The great news for
ambitious 20-somethings
is that you have exactly that:
time. But you have to start
honing those skills ASAP.
“If you’re in your 20s, and
you want to be the next girl
boss, you have to start now.
Start developing these skills
and be aware of what you
have to do, because that
takes time. Get to know
exactly what you’re good at
and what you want, because
the passion and the enthu-
siasm are going to get you
where you want to be,”
says Roxas.
Ready for even more good
news? The idea that a leader
must have a strong, iron-fist
type of personality has
evolved, and we’ve become
more open to a more
positive, supportive
leadership style. That means
even if you’ve always thought
of yourself as an introvert,
you can let go of the mis-
conception that you’ll never
get as high up the corporate
ladder as your alpha female
friends and colleagues. So,
you wanna be on top?
Read on:

dEcisivE And AblE
to tAkE control
Great leaders have the ability
to rein in situations, give
direction, and spark action.
It also means being able to
assume responsibility for
good and bad con-sequences.
“Be the sort of leader people

can turn to and respect,”
says Roxas, who explains
that you don’t have to be the
loudest person in the room
to be heard. “You must look
sincere and genuine, know
who you are and learn to
parlay that and, given the
Filipino culture, embody
that in order to get people on
your side. Show your team
that you have their back.”

supportivE And
A good leader isn’t a dictator:
She’s respectful of people’s
work and their abilities, puts
the needs of the team and
organization first, works
well with her team, and
embodies the values of her
organization. But that
doesn’t mean she’s a martyr.
She knows when to (diplo-
matically) put her foot down
if she feels her abilities and
position are being

A good
Leaders know how to
influence people, so
psychology plays a massive
role in getting ahead. “Without
good communication skills,
you will not have people on
your side, no matter how hard
you work,” explains Roxas. “If
people don’t like you, they will
not want you to succeed. They
may not even be conscious
about it, but because you
annoy them or irritate them,
they’ll dislike you and not root
for you.” Good communication
isn’t just about having a
massive vocabulary: it’s also
about timing, and having just
the right amount of confidence
that people believe in you, but
you’re not coming off as cocky
or domineering.

A good leader thinks of
innovative ways to deal with
problems, and comes up with
innovative solutions. “It’s not
creativity in the drawing and
painting sense, but creatively
working a situation and seeing
it from a different pers-
pective,” Roxas explains.
Uplifting the abilities of a
co-worker who has strengths
in areas that may not be your
expertise is one way of being
seen as the creative mind
behind a strategy.

This doesn’t just mean
knowing what meeting is
scheduled for when. A good
leader is a proactive planner,
focuses on executing ideas,
and delivers quality. This
isn’t to be confused with
burning yourself out,
though—the best leaders still
know how to balance life and
work, and sets limits for
either. “You do not want to
overextend yourself. Choose
your projects,” shares Roxas.
“You don’t want to become or
look like a workhorse.”

Good leaders respond well to
pressure and change, and
cope well with setbacks. The








( TEX T) Gaby I

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Leaders know how

to influence people,

so psychology plays

a massive role in

getting ahead.

MAY 2017 • Cosmopolitan 99

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