Cosmopolitan Philippines – May 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
YouTube. When he’s not
ticking off items on his
bucket list or going viral with
his bekinese videos, he’s
conceptualizing, recording,
and editing. “I work on my
vlogs from the moment I wake
up to the moment I go to bed.
I don’t find time for it—it is my
life. My dad, mom, and sister
have also gotten into vlogging,
and we’ll all be posting about
our Euro trip this month. It’ll
be really cool.”

He’s woke.
Asked about the future of
Philippine cinema, Christian

“I found a new calling

in performing for
children. If I weren’t

an actor, I would have

been a kindergarten

“I believe in the
spontaneous way of
living. That’s why
traveling is the best.
It makes you adapt to
new situations.”

“I got into hip-hop for the
storytelling. Whether it was
about struggle or success, or
triumph or defeat, it was always
about telling a story.”

write, produce, and mix and
master tracks. I dropped out
of school to pursue music,
and my family agreed on the
condition that I’d work hard
to be the best at what I do.”
Wil Dasovich, 25, never
thought he’d be entertaining
for a living, but here he
is, miles away from his
hometown of SF, California,
vlogging his travel adventures
as Tsong and Tsonggo on

says, “I don’t think I’m in
the right position to say
something about it, but I hope
that we reach a point when
commercialism no longer
dictates the rules of the
industry. It’s better to give
recognition to those who truly
love the art of filmmaking.”
“Simmer,” a track off of
TCK, is a commentary on
our sociopolitical climate, a
subject often at the forefront
of Ninno’s music. “It’s not that
I want people to subscribe to
my beliefs. I just want their
eyes to be opened to different

MAY 2017 • Cosmopolitan 19

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