Cosmopolitan Philippines – May 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1



Confusing, terrifying, but also
exciting and exhilarating—
welcome to your 20s. We
think the best way to deal with
everything this decade will
throw at you (hint: anything
and everything) is to be
equipped with an idea of who
you are and who you want
to be. We want all of you to
be able to say you’re living
your life according to you
and for you, not anyone else.
Turning the big 2-0 (and 2-1,
and 2-2...) might be scary, but
it’s also the time when you’ll
be building the foundations
of the rest of your life, so get
out there and be your own

(TEXT) Gaby IG

naCIo. (PHo

To) sH



EmpOw E r E d, E nL i G htEnE d, A nd bE ttE r thA n E v E r

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