Cosmopolitan Philippines – May 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1











  1. Your Career
    Whether you’re worry-
    ing about job security,
    your salary, or whether or
    not you’re in the right job
    altogether, the best thing
    you can do is remind
    yourself that you are not
    your work. “We all want
    to achieve the best that
    we can, but sometimes
    we can raise the bar too
    high,” says Dr. Stephen
    Carbone, former GP and
    now policy and evalua-
    tion research leader with
    the non-profit Australian
    mental health organiza-
    tion beyondblue. “I’m not
    saying people shouldn’t
    try to do their best, but
    if you put all of your eggs
    in that basket and your
    identity depends on you
    being this wonderfully
    successful person and
    you’re not going to value
    yourself unless you’re
    CEO, there’s a risk you’re
    going to fail because
    there’s only one.” Dr. Car-

bone says to always give it
a go, give it your best, and
if you succeed, pat your-
self on the back. But if you
don’t, you tried, and fail-
ure is not a reflection on
someone’s ability or per-
sonality, it’s just the way
the world works.
To keep your worries at
bay, do something little
every day for your career,
even if it’s as simple as
just updating your CV or
attending a seminar. “You
are many things, and what
you do as a job is just one of
those things.”

  1. Terrorism
    “When something is
    talked about a lot, it makes
    us think it is a common
    phenomenon, and one of the
    features of worry is that
    we start to overestimate
    the possibility of some-
    thing happening,” says
    Dr. Carbone. “Terrorism
    is a very important issue,
    yes, but you also need to
    put things in context.” Dr.
    Carbone says it’s impor-
    tant to look at what’s in
    our control, and terrorism
    definitely isn’t. “It comes
    down to what you can do
    in your day-to-day life to
    keep yourself as safe as you
    possibly can, rather than
    worrying about things that
    are out of your control, and
    remembering the likeli-
    hood is still very, very low.”

  2. Your moneY
    “If you start to be aware
    of your finances, then you
    can change it,” says author
    of Getting Out of Debt Joy-
    fully, Simone Milasas.
    “Don’t be afraid of money.
    Don’t be afraid of looking

at your bills and of looking at
what’s coming in and going
out; you have to look at it
and be aware of it.”
Milasas suggests starting
a “10 percent account.” “You
put in 10 percent of every
single cent you earn. Put
it in an account, a shoebox
under your bed, or any place
you feel it will be safe. You
start to have financial free-
dom; and you start to have
a sense of peace because
you actually have money.”
Most of all, Milasas advises,
“Money follows joy; joy does
not follow money. People
always think they’ll be
happy if they had X amount,
but if you’re doing what you
love, money will show up.”

  1. Your BodY image
    If you feel like IRL isn’t
    measuring up to the fil-
    tered fantasy on your phone,
    you are far from alone.
    Researchers at the Univer-
    sity of Pittsburgh found the
    more time young adults
    spend on social media, the

more likely they are to be
depressed and have low
self-esteem. “We should
never envy what we see on
social media because most
of it is false,” insists sexolo-
gist and relationship expert
Dr. Nikki Goldstein. “Stop
looking through Insta and
Facebook. Put the phone
away and enjoy what you
have in your life right now.
Look around and ask your-
self, What do I have to be
thankful for? Enjoy the sim-
ple things and stop beating
yourself up.”

  1. Your
    Dr. Goldstein says whether
    you’re in a relationship or
    single, fear of rejection can
    hang over our heads, like a
    miserable cloud of doom,
    so it’s time we back our-
    selves more, ladies. “We all
    have these insecurities, but
    how strongly they impact
    our lives will depend on
    how strong our sense of self
    is,” says Dr. Goldstein. “If
    you have good self-esteem,
    when those ideas get into
    your head, you’ll be able to
    talk through them. You’ll
    ask yourself, Do I have any-
    thing to worry about, really?
    Am I secure in my relation-
    ship? and you’ll work it out.
    If you’re really having a
    moment of self-doubt then
    these thoughts will get into
    your head and they’ll feel
    very real. You need to learn
    how to love yourself and
    know that you’re worthy of
    a loving relationship.”

  2. Your soCial life
    We know social media has a
    way of making us feel inad-
    equate, so we need to take

72 Cosmopolitan • MAY 2017 WWW.COSMO.PH

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