Cosmopolitan Philippines – May 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1



What drives you?
I am still driven by purpose;
by the desire to touch lives,
and do things with the
precious time I am given. It’s
less wanting to make a mark
or an impact on the world,
and more of wanting to give
back to the universe and the
amazing people that are in it.
What’s the most Cosmo
thing about you?
That I am Pinay and proud!
What’s the best advice
you’ve ever received?
“Keep writing.” That, really,
is the best advice anyone can
give; which is to keep doing
what you were called to do.

jessica kienle,

What drives you?
My passion for creating beautiful and functional
pieces while showcasing and supporting
Filipino craftsmanship.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
A friend of mine had once quoted American
professor Reinhold Neibuhr, “God grant me the
serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can, and the
wisdom to know the difference.”
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from
your 20s?
Just because you are considered an adult at
20, you are not going to have everything figured
out. You’re going to make mistakes, and that is
normal and part of the bigger plan!




edeN & jUNe
How do you define success?
Success to me is being able to
do what I love for work while
balancing that out with what’s
really important.
What drives you?
Love. I’m that cheesy girl who
always needs to find purpose
in what I do. I don’t know how
anybody else can function without
love at the core, really!
What’s the most Cosmo thing
about you?
My guts and grit and that I never
forget the fun.

78 Cosmopolitan • MAY 2017 WWW.COSMO.PH

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