Cosmopolitan Philippines – May 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Gel a Muñoz, StyliSt
How do you define success?
Success for me is finding yourself outside of your
comfort zone, living the life that you never even planned
or imagined for yourself.
What’s the most Cosmo thing about you?
I’m spunky, confident, and believe in what women can
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Word hard and be nice.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from
your 20s?
Being busy is great, but it’s also okay to take a breather
every now and then. And, always believe in God’s
perfect timing.

jen aquin0,

What drives you?
Media is so powerful—it can make or break,
really. As a journalist, I am amazed and, at the
same time, scared of this immense power we
have to tell stories. Not all people can show
something on air or online so I try my best to
make sure I am worthy of my job title. Every
morning, I jump out of bed and wonder “What
stories can we do today to help educate the
viewers? What can we show so we can change
how society sees things?”


Ghodsinia ,



How do you define success?
“Success” is a life-long process
of overcoming various challenges
through passion, hard work, and
humility. Success isn’t merely about
the momentary award received,
rather it’s about the continuous
persistence to grow and be better
despite the obstacles and blunders.
What drives you?
I’m driven by the potential for
growth. I get excited by the idea that
something helpful and/or useful can
be created, realized, and shared with
others in this lifetime!
What’s the Cosmo thing about you?
I actively support the concept of
“global citizenship”, as I firmly believe
in the oneness of our humanity
despite the diversity of cultures,
languages, and religions we have.
Being born in a multicultural family,
and having worked with people of
different nationalities, has truly
enabled me to live in various cultural
environments while still upholding
my core values.
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