Cosmopolitan Philippines – May 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

joanna kennedy,

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from your 20s?
That the 20s is a time of struggle, confusion, yearning, and most
importantly, growth. I’ve learned that I’m so much happier when
I embrace the uncertainty and just enjoy this crazy beautiful ride
we call life.

k ara chung,

How do you define success?
Highly variable.
What do you struggle with daily,
and how do you deal with it?
The constant need to work under
pressure. I always have to remind
myself to relax. (Video games help
a lot.)
What’s the most Cosmo thing
about you?
I’m proud to let my experiences
as a woman shape my work.
What’s the biggest lesson
you’ve learned from your 20s?
We grow outside of our
comfort zones.

k atrina


What’s the most Cosmo thing
about you?
I love who I was, who I am, and who
I can and will be.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve
learned from your 20s?
We are somehow taught to settle
when we feel pressed for time. My
20s taught me to wait and to not
worry while I wait. I will not settle
for less than what I deserve. I will
wait for the best, because the best
will come! Wait for God’s timing
in your life, because His timing is
always perfect.

MAY 2017 • Cosmopolitan 81

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