Cosmopolitan Philippines – May 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

nico aquino,

founder, moderno

food park
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned
from your 20s?
The struggle of the early 20s is real.
Experimenting and shifting careers, being
unsure of what you want... The typical
millennial problem of soul-searching and self
discovery is real. But there will come a point
in life where things will just fall into place.
Embrace all the struggles and the self-doubt
but have the drive to learn and improve, and it
will all be worth it! Being independent doesn’t
mean doing things completely on your own.
It’s acknowledging the fact that you need help
from people around you.

marga jayy,

What do you struggle with daily, and how do you
deal with it?
Those who think that making art is a petty job. I
don’t defend myself because I think it would be a
waste of time. I just let my life and work speak for
themselves. Naysayers just fuel me to do better.
What’s the most Cosmo thing about you?
I know what I want and I always go for it. I may fail at
times, but that doesn’t stop me!
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from
your 20s?
Know what you want, attract it by constantly
working for it and by believing that it will happen,
then life will just surprise you. Listen to your inner
self and just keep it real!

MAY 2017 • Cosmopolitan 83

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