Cosmopolitan Philippines – May 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

sari campos,

makeup artist
What drives you?
The people that I meet and collaborate with
push me to work harder. My passion for my job
also motivates me.
What’s the most Cosmo thing about you?
I like to keep every situation fun, happy and
light. I embrace my strengths, acknowledge my
weaknesses and imperfections, and make my
mistakes a personal learning experience.
What are you proudest of?
When my clients or people I put makeup on tell
me they feel good because of my work.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from
your 20s?
There is no right time to start. If you want to do
something, start now or it will never happen.

stephanie and nicole uy,


karpos multimedia
How do you define success?
Stephanie: Success is reaching your dreams or goals
without stepping on anyone else’s toes.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Nicole: Get out of your comfort zone. It’s a cliché, but it’s

anna oposa,

marine conservationist
How do you define success?
Success for me is being able to make a positive difference in
society and lifting others with you.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from your 20s?
“Live your truth and live your questions.” The 20s is a difficult
decade because it’s when we’re supposed to figure out life after
school, and there are social constructs and metrics for success.
Questions or uncertainties hinder us from taking risks, and
pressure can push us in directions our gut says we shouldn’t
pursue. In the end, we need to live our truth and our questions
so we can be happy and love out loud.


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