Cosmopolitan Australia – June 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
I could see a particularly big
gash on my leg and, being a
doctor, I knew I should try to
put pressure on the wound with
my hands. I thought that I was
going to bleed to death, when
suddenly, he started pouring
petrol over me.
I’d accepted that I might
die that day, but being doused
in petrol took it to a whole
other level. I thought, I’m going
to burn alive and my family is not
going to be able to recognise me.

Six weeks earlier
In August, 2016, I moved to
Port Macquarie for work – I’m
an obstetrics and gynaecology
doctor and moved to work at
the hospital. I was away from
my family, lonely, bored and
getting over an ex. So I went
on a few dates with guys from

a dating app. It was something
to do and a way to meet people.
Then I saw Paul’s profile.
In it he mentioned he liked
adventure and had spent some
time in the US, which is where
I lived until I was 15. He looked
nice in his photos and was in
his mid-thirties. I was looking
for someone a bit older, so we
started chatting. He lived four
and a half hours away from me,
in Sydney, so we got to know
each other via phone calls. He
seemed like a normal guy.
Not long after we’d started
chatting, he f lew up to Port
Macquarie for our first date.
He’d booked dinner at a tapas
place and treated me well. It

was fun getting to know each
other and I was f lattered by
the attention.
He had booked a hotel, so
he went back there and I went
back to my place. The next day
we met up for brekkie and went
for a walk. I was like, “Oh my
gosh, a guy is interested in me
again, maybe there’s happiness
in my future...”
While I could see lots of
positives, he was also quite
intense. I think that’s the first
thing that put me off. About a
month into it, he seemed quite
smitten and I wasn’t. I didn’t
want to hurt him so I tried to
break it off, saying I thought
we should just be friends.

A second chance
He was upset – incredibly so

  • and I felt awful. I had a gut
    feeling warning me, but he
    was doing everything right
    and begging me for another
    chance. I told myself maybe
    I was just running scared, so
    I f lipped and said yes.
    But then his controlling
    behaviour escalated to a point
    where he was stalking me. I
    told him, “Don’t contact me,
    I don’t want to see you again.”
    On Sunday night, October
    30, I got home from being
    out with my family and was
    shocked to see him waiting for
    me at my house. I was scared

‘Somehow I

managed to stand

up and, looking

down at my legs,

I saw my jeans

were saturated in

blood from where

he’d stabbed me

with his knife.

Angela is
determined to
help end violence
against women.


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