Cosmopolitan Australia – June 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Whatever time of day
you’re reading this, you
can guarantee writer
Mel Evans has already
checked her horoscope.

cosmo insight

a lack of meaning; they have so
much choice and so much pressure
to achieve it’s paralysing.’
Humans are a fan of patterns.
Team this with a lack of meaning
and looking to the stars helps deal
with not knowing what’s ahead.
Even if we read between the lines,
we’re still using the message to our
advantage as it helps quiet anxious
feelings. So long as we take it all
with a grain of salt (and a dash of
reality), what’s the harm in believing
something good is ahead for us? We
can believe in whatever we choose,
so why not let a bunch of stars in the
sky be our guiding light.

to the motivation behind our search.
We’re a narcissistic bunch. We long
to feel like we belong and that we
each, individually, have our own
unique, special place. Because we’re
special. And armed with this, we
continuously strive to find out the
secrets to our future through an
industry that is worth more than
$2 b illion.

Losing our religion
‘People have been moving away
from churches and close connections
with family and instead seeking
material things,’ explains England.
‘This is leaving a lot of Gen Y with

I’ll be honest, they really are just
a guide. Anything negative is ignored
and the good is treated as inspo.
‘If your patterns of behaviour are
working for you and you can read
your horoscope and it makes you
think about what you can learn in
order to move forward in your life,
then it’s fine,’ says Dr Clarke.
That’s just the sign I need. #


COSMOPOLITAN June 2017 113

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