Cosmopolitan Australia – June 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
‘What? Really?’ I persist.
‘For now it’s at home. It’s very
organised.’ There’s a pause. ‘I
have my own system...’
She is as frustratingly coy
about the system as she is about
how many items of clothes she
gets given or even what colour
luggage she carries. (She will,
however, enthusiastically disclose
that it’s Rimowa and that’s mainly
because you can stack the cases,
which is handy as she usually
carries her own luggage.) There
is colour-coding, I ascertain. And
grouping of separates.
‘Mine is probably different
than other people’s – I don’t have
a seasonal wardrobe because I’m
in different climates all year. But
colour-coordinating helps,’ she
says. ‘That’s a good way to start,
and keep jackets together and
pants together. And to consolidate
space, use those velvet hangers.
They’re cheap [and] they’re thin.’
She’s equally non-committal
when I ask her how much stuff
she gets sent when she travels to
Paris for the shows, as well as the
number of times she’ll change
outfits to accommodate all the
hungry fashion bloggers who
live for a shot of her mid-stride
between collections.
‘Honestly, my schedule is so
tight. I have a show on the hour
every hour, and appointments.
So my priority is the designers
and the collections. Of course it’s
nice to change once in a while,
and support the designers, if you
can, by changing, but there’s not
always enough time in the day.’

’I was very aware of

fashion from a young age’


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