Cosmopolitan Australia – June 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1







asleep, while hidden stressors,
such as hormonal issues, liver
function, infections, blood
sugar and the environment
of the room, wake people up
during the night.’
Designed to work with
your body’s natural rhythms
and get the most out of your
beauty sleep, more potent
night-shift formulations get
to work during the small hours
when blood f low and cell turn-
over are at their peak. All you
have to do is sleep. >

In order to rebuild itself,
during the night-time, the
body suppresses its release of
cortisol (which protects skin
from free radicals throughout
the day) and boosts its release
of human growth hormone (or
HGH) to create the perfect
environment for collagen
making and tissue repair.
But if you regularly skip
your Zs – or toss and turn all
night – cortisol will kick in,
causing those tissue-repairing
growth hormones to call it a
night. Literally. ‘Not getting
enough sleep cuts that crucial
repair time short,’ warns Dr
Harrington. ‘Sleeplessness
increases nighttime cortisol
levels, which increases the

production of [pimple- and
acne-causing] sebum.’ The
result, come morning, is skin
that’s not only tired, but also
inf lamed, prone to premature
ageing, and spots.
If you don’t feel as though
you’re getting enough pillow
time, you’re not alone. ‘Studies
indicate one in three people
will suffer a sleep problem at
some time in their lives,’ says
Dr Harrington.
‘People either can’t get
to sleep or they have trouble
staying asleep,’ adds Cox.
‘There are obvious stressors
like work and relationships,
PHOTOGRAPHY BY NICK ONKEN which keep us from falling

It’s a story of
sleeping beauty
and her hero... hero
product, that is.



Free download pdf