Cosmopolitan Australia – June 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
do is ‘reframe’ the situation.
‘Why don’t you say to yourself,
Yes, it’s raining, maybe I’ll just do
another adventure or put on some
rain gear. You can’t control the
circumstances, like the weather,
but you can always inf luence your
own perception of it and you’ll
be happier for it.’
So how can you apply this at
work? ‘If you go into an interview
and believe that you are the right
person for that job, your chance
of getting it will be much higher
than if you go in with a negative
mindset,’ explains Iseli. The
interviewer will perceive you as
being the best for the job because
that self-belief and confidence will
shine through.
And if you still don’t get the
job? Don’t beat yourself up, says
Iseli. ‘You can’t inf luence who
else is going to apply; that’s a
circumstance you can’t control.
Maybe someone got it who had
connections with the interviewer?
Tell yourself a different story;
say, This job wasn’t meant for me;
there’s a better one out there. Start
looking for new opportunities.’
Side note: ‘Just make sure you
don’t go into a job interview [or
work meeting] too confident. You
can shoot yourself in the foot by
assuming you’ve got the job. You
have to have a humbleness about
you; give it your all, but the rest
is up to circumstances you can’t
control,’ says Iseli.
Walk the line between cocky
and confident, with a positive
mindset, and work it! >


Been overlooked for a job you
knew you would nail? Missed
out on a promotion you totally
deserved? According to Franziska
Iseli, co-author of Perception,
it’s not your skillset that needs
tweaking – it’s your mindset.
‘What you tell yourself when
you walk into a job interview
really matters,’ says Iseli. ‘Your
inner voice can be your worst
enemy. You really have to believe
that you can get the job.’
If your inner voice is being
a negative Nelly, that’s going to
directly affect how others perceive
you. ‘That internal perception
creates our reality,’ says Iseli.
‘For example, you might be hiking
when suddenly it starts raining.
If your internal perception is
saying, It’s all stuffed up now, I
can’t do this, now I’m going to be
sad for the next 24 hours, then you
TRUNKARCHIVE.COM will be down.’ What we need to



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