Cosmopolitan Australia – June 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Giggled at The Banger Sisters? Cackled at Inside
Amy Schumer? Laughed your butt off at Trainwreck?
You’re gonna need to work on your kegels before
you watch Snatched, because it’s a doozie.
When Emily (Schumer) suddenly finds herself
with a South American holiday for two and no
boyfriend in sight, she takes her uber-risk-averse
mother, Linda (Hawn), along for the ride. They argue,
they embarrass each other, Amy Schumer has a
typically awkward romantic encounter involving
her lady bits... until they’re snatched. Kidnapped
and trapped in South America, they’re forced to
reconcile their differences (and become suddenly
awesomely badass) to escape. Joke’s on the
bad guys – they’re up against Goldie Hawn and
Amy Schumer! They were never going to win!
Hilarious one-liners? Check. Awkward (read:
funny) scenarios? Check. Vagina jokes? Check.
(It is a Schumer film, after all.) You and your mates
will have inside-joke fodder for the next year!

Comedian du jour Amy Schumer plus comedy
legend Goldie Hawn = a comedy gold mine.
For all the awkward humour and sex-related
jokes of cult-favourite funny-lady Schumer
(plus some classic Goldie gold), get you and
your girl squad to Snatched – and get popcorn!



M AY 11
Got one of those girl
squads who can laugh
until they’re clutching
their abs and low-key
worrying that a little
bit of wee came out?
Get. Your. Tickets.
Stat. Because this is
the funniest movie
you’ll see all year.
© 2017 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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