In addition to using quality whey-isolate InIn addition to using quality whey-isolate In addition to using quality whey-isolate In addition to using quality whey-isolate In addition to using quality whey-isolate additiontousingqualitywhey-isolate
protein powder and casein protein powder proteinprotein powder and casein protein powder protein powder and casein protein powder protein powder and casein protein powder protein powder and casein protein powder protein powder and casein protein powder powderandcaseinproteinpowder
to maintain muscle mass, a number of to maintain muscle mass, a number of to maintain muscle mass, a number of to maintain muscle mass, a number of to maintain muscle mass, a number of tomaintainmusclemass,a numberof
supplementssupplements can help bump up your supplements can help bump up your supplements can help bump up your canhelpbumpupyour
fat-sheddingfat-shedding eforts. The basics include fat-shedding eforts. The basics include fat-shedding eforts. The basics include fat-shedding eforts. The basics include fat-shedding eforts. The basics include eforts.Thebasicsinclude
cafeine,cafeine, which enhances sympathetic cafeine, which enhances sympathetic cafeine, which enhances sympathetic cafeine, which enhances sympathetic whichenhancessympathetic
nervous system activity and may positively nervousnervous system activity and may positively nervous system activity and may positively nervous system activity and may positively nervous system activity and may positively nervous system activity and may positively systemactivityandmaypositively
afect fat metabolism in the body, and afect fat metabolism in the body, and afect fat metabolism in the body, and afect fat metabolism in the body, and afect fat metabolism in the body, and afect fat metabolism in the body, and afect fat metabolism in the body, and afectfatmetabolismintheb o d y,and
green-teagreen-tea extract, which some studies green-tea extract, which some studies green-tea extract, which some studies green-tea extract, which some studies green-tea extract, which some studies extract,whichsomestudies
havehave shown can potentially enhance have shown can potentially enhance have shown can potentially enhance have shown can potentially enhance have shown can potentially enhance showncanpotentiallyenhance
fat oxidation during bouts of exercise. In fat oxidation during bouts of exercise. In fat oxidation during bouts of exercise. In fat oxidation during bouts of exercise. In fat oxidation during bouts of exercise. In fat oxidation during bouts of exercise. In fat oxidation during bouts of exercise. In fatoxidationduringboutsofexercise.In
thermogenicthermogenic formulations, you may also thermogenic formulations, you may also thermogenic formulations, you may also thermogenic formulations, you may also thermogenic formulations, you may also formulations,youmayalso
indind raspberry ketones, which can ind raspberry ketones, which can ind raspberry ketones, which can ind raspberry ketones, which can ind raspberry ketones, which can raspberryketones,whichcan
potentially serve as fuel when you’re in a potentiallypotentially serve as fuel when you’re in a potentially serve as fuel when you’re in a potentially serve as fuel when you’re in a potentially serve as fuel when you’re in a potentially serve as fuel when you’re in a potentially serve as fuel when you’re in a potentially serve as fuel when you’re in a serveasfuelwhenyou’reina
low-calorie state and may nudge additional low-calorielow-calorie state and may nudge additional low-calorie state and may nudge additional low-calorie state and may nudge additional low-calorie state and may nudge additional low-calorie state and may nudge additional stateandmaynudgeadditional
fat-storagefat-storage release by the body.fat-storage release by the body.fat-storage release by the body.fat-storage release by the body.fat-storage release by the body.releasebytheb ody.
leastleast indirectly. Branched-chain amino least indirectly. Branched-chain amino least indirectly. Branched-chain amino least indirectly. Branched-chain amino indirectly.Branched-chainamino
acids(BCA As)helpprotectmuscletissue
glutaminesupportsimmuni t y,digestion,
convertstoarginineintheb o d y,whichin
turn relaxes blood vessels to let more
satisfying side efect.
ActivityActivity results in calorie expenditure, Activity results in calorie expenditure, Activity results in calorie expenditure, Activity results in calorie expenditure, Activity results in calorie expenditure, resultsincalorieexpenditure,
but that doesn’t mean you should butbut that doesn’t mean you should but that doesn’t mean you should but that doesn’t mean you should but that doesn’t mean you should but that doesn’t mean you should thatdoesn’tmeanyoushould
always be on the go to ight fat, according always be on the go to ight fat, according always be on the go to ight fat, according always be on the go to ight fat, according always be on the go to ight fat, according always be on the go to ight fat, according always be on the go to ight fat, according always be on the go to ight fat, according always be on the go to ight fat, according alwaysbeonthegotoightfat,according
to IFBB itness pro Quist. “When you’re to IFBB itness pro Quist. “When you’re to IFBB itness pro Quist. “When you’re to IFBB itness pro Quist. “When you’re to IFBB itness pro Quist. “When you’re to IFBB itness pro Quist. “When you’re to IFBB itness pro Quist. “When you’re toIFBBitnessproQuist.“Whenyou’re
overtired,overtired, your muscles don’t have overtired, your muscles don’t have overtired, your muscles don’t have overtired, your muscles don’t have overtired, your muscles don’t have yourmusclesdon’thave
the time or tools to recover,” she explains. thethe time or tools to recover,” she explains. the time or tools to recover,” she explains. the time or tools to recover,” she explains. the time or tools to recover,” she explains. the time or tools to recover,” she explains. the time or tools to recover,” she explains. the time or tools to recover,” she explains. timeortoolstor e c o v e r,”sheexplains.
“You also have a higher chance of “You also have a higher chance of “You also have a higher chance of “You also have a higher chance of “You also have a higher chance of “You also have a higher chance of “You also have a higher chance of “ Yo ualsohaveahigherchanceof
overeatingovereating carbohydrates, because your overeating carbohydrates, because your overeating carbohydrates, because your overeating carbohydrates, because your carbohydrates,becauseyour
body starts craving energy, and it knows body starts craving energy, and it knows body starts craving energy, and it knows body starts craving energy, and it knows body starts craving energy, and it knows body starts craving energy, and it knows body starts craving energy, and it knows bodystartscravingenergy,anditknows
the fastest place to get that is carbs.” thethe fastest place to get that is carbs.” the fastest place to get that is carbs.” the fastest place to get that is carbs.” the fastest place to get that is carbs.” the fastest place to get that is carbs.” the fastest place to get that is carbs.” the fastest place to get that is carbs.” fastestplacetogetthatiscarbs.”
According to research commissioned by the AccordingAccording to research commissioned by the According to research commissioned by the According to research commissioned by the According to research commissioned by the According to research commissioned by the toresearchcommissionedbythe
National Sleep Foundation, adults should get NationalNational Sleep Foundation, adults should get National Sleep Foundation, adults should get National Sleep Foundation, adults should get National Sleep Foundation, adults should get National Sleep Foundation, adults should get SleepFoundation,adultsshouldget
sevenseven to nine hours of sleep per night. seven to nine hours of sleep per night. seven to nine hours of sleep per night. toninehoursofsleeppernight.
D o n ’t ...
on Sleep.
Your Efforts.