Jiu Jitsu Style - Issue 38 2017

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Grapplers Gift have teamed up with Progress Jiu Jitsu, and together they
are offering an amazing belt personalisation service for the BJJ community.

Custom belts are the perfect gift for jiu jitsu enthusiasts: if you or a friend
have recently been promoted, what better way to celebrate this achieve-
ment than with an awesome new belt? This service offers great levels of
customisation, with a huge variety of fonts and colours available. Customers
are also able to include logos and simple designs on the belts, but Grapplers
Gift will need to ‘ok’ these before going into production.

The ordering process is very simple: upon placing your belt order, Grapplers
Gift will respond within 24 hours to go through your customisation require-
ments. We found this personal line of communication over email preferable
to entering details via a website form, where key details can often be mis-

Once our order was completed, the belt arrived with us in around two
weeks, which is very reasonable considering the product is customised. The
belt arrives in a swanky black box, cushioned by black paper. These high-end
touches really made opening our package an awesome experience on its
own, and further confirms that these belts would make great gifts for friends.

The belt itself also doesn’t disappoint: the embroidery is stitched in flawless-
ly, and our exotic choice of font (Big Noodle Titling) looks amazing in gold.
As expected of Progress Jiu Jitsu products, it’s a premium belt, so you can
expect it to stay in excellent shape for many years on the mat.

Coming in at £55, which includes UK delivery, this really is an excellent prod-
uct, with unrivalled levels of customer service from Grapplers Gift during the
whole process. Two huge thumbs-up from us.



MediPen have pushed the envelope of legal cannabinoids in the UK,
launching the first CBD vaporizer available on the market.

Despite government resistance to fully legalise all forms of cannabis
(or, in some cases, even recognise its medicinal benefits), CBD oil has
become a highly sought after compound in recent years, taking the
natural product industry by storm.

First things first: the CBD oil consumed via MediPen vaporizers in
non-psychoactive. It is CBD’s brother compound, THC, which is re-
sponsible for the traditional marijuana high. With only trace elements
of THC present in MediPen products, it’s not going to take you to
cloud 9. So, if it’s not getting you high, are there real benefits from
using CBD products? In short, lots.

Recent cannabis research has identified CBD as the component respon-
sible for a great deal of marijuana’s medical benefits.

Consuming CBD products has been proved to help with:

  • Relieving pain and inflammation

  • Inducing antipsychotic effects

  • Reducing anxiety

  • Relieving nausea

  • Treating seizures and neurological disorders

  • Lowering risk of diabetes

  • Aiding athletic recovery

  • Helping to fight cancer

The last point is well worth stressing, as several scientific reports
demonstrate that CBD benefits include possessing antiproliferative,
pro-apoptotic effects that inhibit cancer cell migration, adhesion and

As Nick Diaz famously stressed in a recent post-fight press conference
(while honking on his CBD pipe), cannabinoids’ anti-inflammatory bene-
fits make the products great additions to an athlete’s recovery process,
with more innovations being made in this area every day.

The MediPen vaporizer is like no cannabinoid product we’ve ever seen.
The design is slick, stylish and discrete; a far cry from the usual cannabi-
noid products you’d expect to find when walking down a dodgy road in
Amsterdam. The £49.97 starter kit includes a vaporizer, one cartridge
and a battery charger. We tested three different flavours: odourless,

coconut and vanilla, with coconut being our clear favourite.

Using the vaporizer was actually really enjoyable. Though you do feel a
heightened sense of relaxation while using the product, most of the ben-
efits of CBD are quite hard to quantify, much like eating your spinach.

For us, MediPen’s vaporizer is an innovative step in the right direction
as a product that champions the benefit of cannabinoids. For anyone
interested learning more about CBD oil and cannabis products, we’d
recommend checking out MediPen’s website as a great starting point.
Free download pdf