Jiu Jitsu Style - Issue 38 2017

(backadmin) #1


Marcio “Pe de Pano” Cruz

played on bottom and

managed a sweep within the

final 30 seconds of the match

to outscore Gabriel Napao 2-0

and retain his title.


Vitor Shaolin showed he’s still on

top of his game after making short

work of Kenny Florian. Shaolin

sunk in a clock choke while Florian

was attempting to progress with

a single-leg sweep: the American

ending up going to sleep, handing

Vitor the belt.


Amaury Bitetti managed two
advantages against one scored by
Roberto Traven to become the first
ever middleweight champion.


Alexandre Soca paced
himself until the right
moment to sweep Baret
Yoshida and score the two
points that secured his
win, keeping his belt for a
further year.


Wellington ‘Megaton’ Dias had
waited more than 20 years for this
rematch, and with it a chance to
avenge his 1996 defeat to Helio
Soneca. Unfortunately for ‘Mega’,
Soneca was once again able to find
his way to victory via a sweep and
a 2-0 lead.


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