Men\'s Health Malaysia - Jun 2017

(ff) #1
20 JUNE 2017






Pack Your

Lunch Hour
Powering through lunch makes you look
productive, but you end up tired and stressed.
So take a break and avoid these mistakes

You Speedily Eat Your Food
at Your Desk. Sitting all day has
been linked to heart disease,
diabetes, and premature death. Aim
for at least 30 minutes of moderate
activity five days a week. Lunchtime
is perfect for that!
The Fix: Take a walk. It’ll leave you
more productive, enthusiastic, and
relaxed, studies suggest. If you must
work, schedule walking meetings;
research shows that they fuel
creative thinking.

You’re Eating Poorly or Not
Enough. Skimping on lunch can
lead to overeating at night, and
grab-and-go meals can be
nutritionally lacking, so you
crash later on.
The Fix: Pack a healthy combo of
protein, carbs and fat for energy, says
dietitian Christopher Mohr, Ph.D. Roll
up leftover rotisserie chicken and
avocado in a whole wheat wrap;
munch on bell pepper and carrot
slices; and pack an apple too.

You Don’t Use the Break to Do
What You Like. If you’re not in the
mood to, say, join your colleagues
for lunch, then doing that won’t be as
relaxing as clocking alone time (and
vice versa), studies show. It may
actually fatigue you.
The Fix: Engaging in an activity you
enjoy will help alleviate work stress
and improve your well-being, research
shows. If that means escaping to your
car for some video games or social
media downtime, go for it.

You Miss Your Midday Workout.
You’re also missing out on the brain-
boosting benefits of increased
bloodflow, says trainer Craig
The Fix: A 15-minute circuit can be as
effective as a longer, more moderate
routine. Do this four times: prisoner-
style reverse lunges (30 seconds per
side); pause pushups (pause at the
bottom and top) for 1 minute; side
plank (30 seconds per side). Rest for
1 minute.
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