Men\'s Health Malaysia - Jun 2017

(ff) #1
28 JUNE 2017










Who needs free weights when a
kid’s in the house? Trainer Sean
Garner has a few ideas

Hold your kid parallel to the floor
with your hands under his or her
hips and shoulders. Squat.

Still holding the child, stand and
lunge backward with one foot,
twisting your torso. Switch feet.

Assume a push-up position, and
have the child lie flat on your back,
arms hanging, during your reps.

Lie face-up on the floor with your
child’s torso on your shins. Bring
your legs and torso together.

be quite difficult.
Just ask Christian Bizzotto.
He’s the proud father of Milla Star
Bizzotto, the youngest competitor
in the 24-hour Battle Frog Extreme,
a grueling obstacle race designed
by Navy SEALs. Bizzotto, 38, is
right there next to his mud-covered
daughter as they cross the finish line
together. And this isn’t the kiddie
race: 10-year-old Milla runs with
adults – and beats most of them too.
Just eight years ago, Bizzotto
wouldn’t have dreamt of taking on
such a challenge. When Milla was a
baby, a motorcycle accident left him
with a broken back, a herniated disc,
a broken foot and hand, and – once he
could move again – a broken heart. His

Raise a Fitter Family

To lose weight, you need to make some big changes – and your flesh and blood might just be the
inspiration you need to succeed. Here’s the story of how one man and his daughter overcame the odds

Get on all fours and have your child
hop onto your back. Lift your knees
slightly; crawl forward and back.

wife left him as soon as he recovered.
“I was broken in every sense of
the word,” Bizzotto says. So he knew
he had to make a change in his life.
“I had this little kid who looked up at
me every day like I was a superhero.
But to myself I was a super nothing,”
he says. “I wasn’t any of the things
she probably saw when she looked
up at her dad.”
So Bizzotto started by ditching his
diet staples of fast food, soda, candy,
chips, and sugary cereals. Now he
guzzles water when he’s thirsty and
eats mostly organic eggs, avocados,
nuts, kale, spinach, and chard.
His fitness journey began sim-
ply: by running between two trash
cans at the beach. First they were
50 feet apart, then 100 feet, then

500, then a mile. Eventually he was
doing 12-mile trail runs “for fun”.
Now 45kg lighter, Bizzotto co-owns
Focused Movement Academy, a
training facility in Miami. Milla’s
ambitions keep him going.
Hitting the gym with a friend can
double the duration of your workout,
according to research from Michigan
State University. For the Bizzotto
family, it’s more like quadruple.
“Practising what you preach is
everything,” says Sean Garner, a
trainer with Anatomy at 1220 in
Miami, and the father of two. You
can’t tell your kids to eat healthy
and then let them see you choke
down pizza and beer every weekend.
“They’re watching you, whether you
realise it or not,” he says. 29

A Loose Muscle

is a Strong Muscle

These 4 exercises will relax your muscles in just 10 minutes, improving your
flexibility and priming them for explosive growth. All you need is simple equipment
DIRECTIONS Perform each exercise every day for the prescribed time or number of reps. Do
them before your workout on training days, and intermittently throughout your workday or
while winding down on your rest days, says Doug Kechijian, D.P.T., who created this routine.




1 / Counterweight Deep Squat
Grab two light dumbbells, and place a foam roller between your thighs.
Push your knees forward and then squat until your butt is just above the
floor. (Use the lightest weight that allows you to achieve this position.)
Try to round your spine by “tucking” your pelvis. From that position, take
5 long, deep breaths. Stand back up. That’s 1 rep. Do 3 to 5.

4 / Lat Hang
Hang from a pull-up bar. Squeeze your glutes to slightly tilt your pelvis
forward. Breathe in deeply. Breathe out as much air as you can – you should
feel your lats stretch. Take 5 deep breaths. That’s 1 rep. Do 3 to 5.

3 / Modified Pigeon
Get down on all fours, and place a pillow or foam roller under your left
knee. Lift your right knee and place it behind and to the left of your left calf.
Rock your hips back and forth for 2 minutes. You should feel your left hip
stretch. Switch sides and repeat.

2 / Couch Stretch
Assume a half-kneeling position with your back knee close to a box or
wall; your back shin should be roughly parallel to the box or wall. You may
need to hold on to something at first. Hold the position for 1 to 2 minutes
as you contract the stretched leg’s hamstring. Repeat with your other leg.
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