Men\'s Health Malaysia - Jun 2017

(ff) #1

64 JUNE 2017


Covered in glory:
Robards’ path to MH
world domination.
From top: MH Croatia,
USA, Spain, South
Africa, Russia, Turkey
and Germany.

im Robards is sitting on a rolling
mound of grass behind the surf club
at Sydney’s idyllic Freshwater beach.
Despite the languid setting, his
face carries a grimace. The reason
for the anguish? He’s recalling an
injury that occurred earlier last
year that could easily have derailed
everything he’s been working
towards and threatened one of his
most precious assets: his body.
It was April, and Robards was
at the outdoor gym down at Bondi
Beach doing one of the eye-popping
calisthenics moves for which he’s
become famous – a back lever
with his arms supinated. Maybe
he wasn’t warmed up enough, he
says, or perhaps he’d done too many
“push” movements before going
into a pulling one. Whatever it was,
the result wasn’t pretty. He tore his
biceps muscle clean off the bone.
“It was excruciating,” says

‘‘I’m cover-model
ready because my
body is a reflection
of my lifestyle’’


Robards, who in the past 15 months
has appeared on the cover of more
than 10 international editions of
MH. “I started seeing grey, then
I started seeing black, and that’s
when I knew I was going into shock.
I decided to lie down because I was
thinking, ‘This is getting serious –
you better get yourself on the ground
or you’re going to hit it pretty soon.’”
By any measure, it was a horrific
injury. Told he wouldn’t be doing
chin-ups for 18 months, right as his
bodyweight training programme,
The Robards Method, was getting off
the ground, he set to work, furiously
researching the injury and drawing
on his own expert knowledge of
rehabilitation. Crucially, he never
stopped exercising, hitting spin
classes and doing more leg work, as
he assiduously worked through his
rehab exercises. “I was exercising
more with my arm in a sling than ever

before,” he chuckles. He was back on
the bars within three months.
“It was a great challenge for
my mindset,” the 35-year-old
chiropractor says now. “I could
have gone: ‘Right, that’s it, I’m going
to give up now, I’m going to stop
working out, eat crap.’” Instead he
went the other way. “I thought I’ll
use this as a challenge, and see how
my body reacts and adapts.”
In Robards’ carefully calibrated
response to the setback you’ll find
the keys to constructing a physique
that snaps back into shape like
an elastic band, regardless of the
directions in which you stretch
it or the adversity that confronts
it. The response also offers an
insight into just how he’s become
an MH favourite all over the world,
bombarding newsstands everywhere
from Sao Paulo to St Petersburg,
despite some seismic shifts in his

personal life and fundamental
changes in the way he trains.
Whether you aspire to cover
model-grade abs or just want to add
some lean muscle to your frame in
time for beach season, in Robards’
rarefied fitness journey, you’ll find
the tools you need to build a body
you can bank on.


A little known fact: when Men’s
Health approaches various athletes
and actors about appearing on our
cover, it’s not always on our terms.
Sometimes we have to wait for the
star to get in shape – “just give me a
month to get ripped” is a common
refrain. With Robards though, we
could call him Monday morning and
he’d be ready to go that afternoon.
The reason is his consistency.

The 7-2-1 Diet
Whether it’s in fitness, health or anything else, a new
habit is unlikely to stick unless it’s underpinned by
structure. This is where a system, like Robards 7-2-1
approach to eating can help. It breaks down as follows:

70 % 20 % 10 %

“It’s not full
paleo, it’s more
ancestral eating,
lots of whole
foods,” Robards

“If I want to have
my comfort
foods, pizza,
pasta, I’ll just try
and balance
them out with
extra vegies .”

“If that means
a glass of wine
each night or
dessert at the
in-laws’ house,
I’ll do that.”

“I’m never not ready to shoot,”
he says. “My philosophy around
training and fitness means that I
don’t fluctuate, I don’t put on or take
off mass just to look a certain way.
I’m basically cover-model ready
and that’s because my body is a
reflection of my lifestyle.”
Consistency is also why he looks
as good, if not better now, than
when his modelling career began
nine years ago. And why he can
absorb an injury like the one he
suffered last year without blowing
out. “A healthy-looking body is not
something you need to peak for one
month a year, and then the rest of the
year you let go to rubbish,” he says.
It’s week in, week out, independent
of season or circumstance.
Chipping away every day to reach
a goal may take longer than a monk-
like month of extreme shredding,
Robards concedes, but it means
that when you do reach your target
weight or desired shape, it’s a lot
easier to stay there.
“A lot of guys go super-hard and
restrictive to cut down, and they
can’t maintain that so they feel like
they’re failing, and then they go the
opposite way and just pile it all back
on,” he says. You may be familiar
with the boom-bust cycle. Achieve
consistency in your training,
Robards says, and your body will
always come in right on budget.
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