Men\'s Health Malaysia - Jun 2017

(ff) #1

72 JUNE 2017

Tastebuds love
complexity. Towering
fast-food burgers often
have a dozen or more
competing flavours,
all of which combine
to light up your brain’s
pleasure centres.
processed buns spike
your insulin, causing
you to overindulge in
empty calories.

Bottled Coffee
These liquid pick-me-
ups contain the
triumvirate of taste:
salt, sugar and umami,
a Japanese concept
translating to “pleasant
savory taste”. Those
flavours, combined
with a smooth mouth-
feel, deliver a sensory
experience that’s far
more rewarding than
black coffee.

The high-fat, high-
sugar combo is hard to
resist. That’s because
both fat and sugar are
energy-dense and
can tax your brain’s
opioid receptors.
This overload can
trigger a flood of
the pleasurable
dopamine. Hence the
sugar “rush”.

Oreo Cookies
Contrast adds intrigue
bite after bite – and
Oreos have it all.
Visually, they offer
both light and dark.
Texturally they are
simultaneously soft
and crunchy. And
flavour-wise, they offer
a sweet, sucrose-
based fill ing between
a pair of just-salty-
enough wafers.

Ice Cream
Casein, one of the
main proteins in milk,
creates morphine-
like molecules called
casomorphins during
digestion. And don’t
underestimate the
intense power of
nostalgia. Because
sometimes it’s just
that simple: eating
junk food makes you
feel like a kid again.

Junk Food

Comfort foods –
and drinks – trick
you into coming
back. Here’s why
you find these five
so hard to resist.
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