Channing Tatum
drinkers, Japanese whisky
fans and anyone with a home
bar, because the bottle is so
darn gorgeous. In the bottle,
you’llind 10 single-grain
distillates aged between six
and 25 years in four dierent
cask styles, including
Mizunura, or Japanese oak. In
the glass, look for a loral
aroma, candied orange, white
chocolate lavours
and a clean inish.
to target neighbourhoods that are
either similar to or not as nice as
their own, according to research in
the Journal of Research in Crime
and Delinquency.
need fancy anti-theft devices,
but an alarm alone isn’t enough,
according to UK research. Install
external and indoor lights on
timer/sensor switches, lock your
windows and double-lock or
deadbolt your door. Then do a trial
break-in, suggests Chris McGoey, a
security consultant based in Los
Angeles. Grab a friend and attempt
to burglarise your own home.
(Seriously!) You’ll see where the
vulnerable spots are and if your
home is attractive to thieves.
Your Wi-Fi
•THE WEAKNESS A fluttery Wi-Fi
signal makes you 28 percent more
likely to bang your head against a
wall. (Kidding!) Really, is anything
more annoying?
•STRENGTHEN IT Stop swearing
at your Internet provider and take a
hard look at your house. Try getting
a Wi-Fi router that can penetrate
every nook and cranny of your
abode with a stronger signal – and
make sure it can juggle lots of
devices without sacrificing its
strength. Buffering is for losers.
Your Home
•THE WEAKNESS Most burglars
are opportunistic, so don’t give
them a reason to choose your
place. And don’t assume that only
ritzy homes get nailed. Crooks tend
Be A Fine
•THE WEAKNESS Thinking of your
kid as a “little you.”
•STRENGTHEN IT Discover who
your child truly is, not who you
think he or she should be. And keep
your life in order so you don’t try to
live vicariously through your kid’s,
says Vanessa Rodriguez of the
Center for Early Childhood Health
and Development.
A Solid
•THE WEAKNESS Talking to the
parents can be stressful. “Why
aren’t you married?” “Why isn’t
your life together?” But make the
effort: Middle-aged men who feel
they have a good relationship with
their father tend to have fewer
depressive symptoms, say
University of Michigan researchers.
•STRENGTHEN IT If you need to
steer clear of touchy subjects, plan
conversation topics before you
meet them, says psychotherapist
Tina Tessina.
JUNE 2017 61