Flex Australia – June-July 2017

(Jeff_L) #1


pulled weights from the floor yet
also worked to widen his back.
But with the 14-Olympia-win
string (1992–2005) of Dorian
Yates followed by Ronnie
Coleman, both of whom included
deads in their workouts and had

arguably the two greatest backs
ever to unfurl, deadlifts became
very much a bodybuilder thing.
And so they have been ever
since. Following Yates’ lead, some
bodybuilders do deads last in their
back routines, so they don’t need
to go so heavy. But a power-
bodybuilding routine places a
premium on increasing strength
in the three power lifts, and thus
schedules each of them — squats
for legs, bench press for chest
and deadlifts for back — first in
their respective workouts.

In addition to focusing on
the three power lifts, the other
thing that distinguishes power-
bodybuilding is its emphasis on
heavy sets of relatively low reps.
Most sets should be in the six- to
eight-rep range. Strength is the

Deadlift 5 10–4
Barbell row 4 6–8
T-bar row 4 6–8
Front pulldown 4 6–8

goal, not the pump, so skip
techniques like dropsets and
supersets. Instead, rely on
forced reps or cheating to eke
out another rep or two. Watch
power bodybuilders Branch
Warren and Johnnie Jackson
charge through a brutal session,
and you’ll quickly understand that
— on exercises like pulldowns,
dumbbell laterals and EZ-bar
curls — they’d rather loosen their
form to keep a set going than stay
strict and miss out on that extra
rep. After all, it’s those extra reps
over the course of a workout that
are crucial to growth.
Pyramid at least one exercise
in each routine, progressing to an
apex set of 4–6 reps. The three
power lifts are ideal candidates
for pyramids, as are military
presses, barbell shrugs, EZ-bar
curls and close-grip bench
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