Flex Australia – June-July 2017

(Jeff_L) #1
90 FLEX | JUNE – JULY 2017

Whether striving to inch up
your one-rep max on the bench
or set a new personal best on
go whole stack on the pulldown
machine, you’re bound to have
killer workouts that move you
closer to your goal — and others
that leave you a little pissed
at their mediocrity.
But when does a small setback
portend bigger problems? How
strength plateau? Here, we tell you

Despite our wishes to

the contrary, no one

gets stronger every

single time they work

out. (If you know a

freak who does, please

call us, because his

FLEX cover is waiting.)

the warnings to watch for and,
more important, give you five
training tools built to bust a rut,
from one of America’s top
Olympic weightlifting competitors.

Break it down,
build it up
First, the bad news: if you’re
struggling to add kilos to your
key lifts, there’s no magic formula
to tell you whether emergency
measures are needed. Fact is,
your rate of progress depends
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