Australian Homespun — June 2017

(Jacob Rumans) #1


Slide the zipper pull about
halfway along the zipper. Fold
the fabrics so the outer pouch front
and back are right sides together and
the lining rectangles are right sides
together. Pin around the edges,
leaving about 4in unpinned along the
bottom edge of the lining. At both
sides, turn the zipper teeth to face into
the lining side of the pouch. Shannan
recommends tacking around the
pouch and removing the pins.


Starting at one side of the
opening on the lining, machine
stitch around the pouch. When
stitching the lining section, make
the seam allowance slightly wider
than^11 ⁄ 4 in (for Shannan, the edge of
her standard presser foot is a good
guide) so the lining ends up being
slightly smaller than the outer pouch
and fi ts nicely inside the pouch.
Revert to a standard^1 ⁄ 4 in seam for
the outer pouch section. Shannan
recommends sewing over the zipper
teeth from the pouch side towards
the lining side and sewing very

slowly to avoid breaking the needle
on the zipper teeth.


Trim the surplus zipper at
each end and clip across all
the corners just outside the stitching.
Turn the pouch right side out by
pushing the fabric through the
opening in the lining.


Fold in the raw edges across
the opening and press. Hand
stitch it closed with ladder stitch.


Push the lining into the outer
pouch and close the zipper.



Using all six strands of cotton
without separating them, wrap
the Very Dark Lavender (208), Dark
Wedgwood (517) and Ultra Very Dark
Turquoise (3808) threads together
around the cardboard rectangle (3in
direction) 26 times. Start and fi nish
with the ends at the bottom of the
card and keep the wraps in one
bundle towards the middle of the card.


Cut all the threads along the
bottom of the card, but keep
them in a group.


Open the jump ring with pliers
and thread it onto the lobster
clasp. Close the jump ring and slide
one end of all the cut threads through
the jump ring so it’s centred on them.


Cut a 40cm (16in) length of
Ultra Very Dark Turquoise
(3808), thread the plastic bead onto
it and tie a knot so the bead’s
fastened in the middle of it. Place
the tied bead below the jump ring
and under the threads, fold the
lengths of thread around the bead

so it’s completely hidden and the ends
of the cut threads are reasonably
level. The ends of the Ultra Very Dark
Turquoise (3808) thread should come
out each side of the bundle. The bead
gives a rounded shape to the tassel top.


Wrap the ends of the Ultra Very
Dark Turquoise (3808) thread
around the bundle a couple of times
and tie a single knot to secure them.
Wrap the remaining thread around
the neck of the tassel to hide the knot
and sew the ends to the inside.


To fi nish, trim the bottom of the
tassel level and fasten it to the
zipper pull with the lobster clasp.



Don’t let my colour and stitch
choices stifle your creativity.
Think of it like colouring in:
choose your favourite fabrics
and coloured threads and use
the stitches you love to fill in
the design.

organised. Put all the embroidery
threads you’re using, needle and
scissors on a small tray and
keep it nearby. When you use
something, put it back on the
tray. If I do this, it stops me madly
searching for things that have
disappeared because I’ve put
them down absentmindedly.
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