Australian Homespun — June 2017

(Jacob Rumans) #1


Cut the 1^11 ⁄ 2 in dark lime print
strip in half to yield two strips,
11 ⁄ 2 in x about 21in. Sew the leftover
1in blue and green print strip from
Step 4 between these two dark lime
half strips, right sides together and
long edges matching, and press the
seams towards the centre.


From this dark lime/blue
strip-set, cut:

  • Eight units, 1^1 ⁄ 2 in.


Stitch two 1^1 ⁄ 2 in units to each
long edge of a 1 x 3in blue-
green strip you cut in Step 4 to make
a cornerstone. Make a total of four.


To assemble the centre panel
of the quilt, lay out the nine
appliqué blocks in the nine-patch
arrangement from Step 10. Add
pieced sashing strips between all the
blocks and add the four cornerstones
at the sashing intersections. Refer
to the Centre Panel Layout Diagram.


Join the centre panel in rows.
The fi rst, third and fi fth rows
are blocks and sashing strips, and the
second and fourth rows are sashing
strips and cornerstones. Press the
seams towards the sashing rows.
Replace the rows in the layout as
you complete each of them.


Join the rows in order,
matching the seams carefully
at the intersections.

Appliqué and assembly


Peel the backing paper off the
small blue/green interrobang
shapes. Position groups of four around
each of the cornerstones, as shown in
Diagram 2: the narrow ends should be
about^1 ⁄ 4 in from the blue/green strip in
the adjacent sashing strips. When you
are happy with their placement, fuse
the shapes in place with a hot iron.


For Border 1, join the remaining
1in blue and green print strips
end to end to make one length and
press the seams open.

Step 16 Step 18



Centre Panel Layout Diagram

Diagram 2
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