Australian Homespun — June 2017

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Start at one side of the body and
anchor the thread, go across through
the body and out the other side, go
through the top of one arm, back in
to it nearby, through the body to the
other side and through the other arm.
Go back and forth through the arms
and body a few times, pulling the
thread fi rmly each time to attach the
arms securely but not distort the body
shape. Fasten the thread under one
arm and bury the end inside the body.


For the hair, fold the shapes in
half and sew the darts at the

top and bottom of the back shape
and just at the top of the front shape.


Match the hair front and back,
right sides together and top
darts matching, and sew from G to H.
Turn the hair right side out. Ease it
gently onto the head, with the fringe
at the front. Add a few small dabs of
glue under the fringe to secure it.

Olga’s clothes


With right sides together,
place a blouse back on the

blouse front with the shoulder edges
matching. Stitch the shoulder seam.
Repeat to sew the other blouse
back to the other shoulder.


Open the blouse out fl at, right
side facing up. Match the
blouse neck facing, right sides
together, with the neck edge of the
blouse and stitch around the neck
edge from A to B. Clip the seam
allowance around the curve and press
the facing to the inside of the blouse.


Fold under a^11 ⁄ 4 in hem on both
centre back edges of the
blouse and stitch them in place.


Press under a^1 ⁄ 4 in double
fold hem on both sleeve ends
and stitch them in place.


With right sides together,
match the blouse front and
backs at the side and sleeve edges.
Stitch from the end of the sleeve up
to the underarm and down the side
seam. Clip the seam allowance at
the underarm and turn the blouse
right side out.


Press under a^1 ⁄ 4 in double-fold
hem on the bottom of the
blouse and stitch it in place.


Fit the blouse on Olga. Overlap
the hemmed centre back
edges and hand stitch them together
down the back.


Fold the skirt in half, right
sides together and long edges
matching. Sew across both short
ends. Turn the skirt right side out.
Press. You now have a doubled
rectangle with raw edges at the top,
a fold at the bottom and neat seams
at each end.


Fold the olive linen in half,
right sides together. Trace the
pocket shape twice on the folded
linen and pin the layers together.
Stitch on the traced lines, leaving
openings where marked.


Cut around the pockets^1 ⁄ 8 in
outside the stitching and clip
the curves. Turn the pockets right
side out through the opening and
press them fl at, turning in the edges
of the opening as you go.


Fold the skirt in half, short edges
matching, and fi nger press it to
mark the centre. Position the pockets
on the skirt panel about 2in either side
Back view of Olga of the centre crease with their bottom
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