FlyLife Australia & New Zealand — Winter 2017

(lu) #1


f you like torrential rain, big bar-
ramundi and 100% humidity then
this will get the blood pumping
through your veins. Over the past
few years I’d heard stories about
barra coming on the chew during
heavy rain and flooding. With rising
water in the impoundments, the bar-
ramundi cruise the grassy flats and
the edges of the banks, searching for
bait to harass.
I’d been keeping an eye on the
weather in the Mackay region for a
few weeks when I saw a big system
forming and starting to roll in on far

north Queensland. It was the begin-
ning of the wet season and the perfect
time to head north to see what the
rains would bring, so we grabbed our
gear, packed the truck and hit the
road north for a lovely 25-hour drive.

Having pushed through heavy rain
and minor floods we made it to bar-
radise. First thing to do was to check
the radar and latest weather report
to get a feel for what we were in for.
The lovely guys at WillyWeather were
forecasting 150 mm of rain every day

Jonathan Jones tackles impoundment

barramundi in the wet.

Rain Dance

Benny gripping and grinning.

Be prepared for hard hits.
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