FlyLife Australia & New Zealand — Winter 2017

(lu) #1

Reviews & New Products
Simon Taylor
A few months ago, I was lucky to be
given the new Scott Flex 804-4 (8-ft,
4-wt) from the Manic Tackle guys to
test out on some of my local Tasmanian
trout. Since then, I have given the little
Flex a good workout on a variety of dif-
ferent waters around the state.
The Flex replaces Scott’s A4 rod,
and is now Scott’s ‘mid-priced’ fly rod
offering. Straight out of the box I was
impressed with its appearance, build
quality, feel and fittings. While this is all
good, we all know that the true way to
judge a fly rod is to fish with it — so I
have been!
When I first got hold of the rod, Tas-
mania was coming off the wettest winter
and spring on record, so my local rivers
and other favourite streams were run-
ning higher than I would have liked. For
me, the whole point of fishing small rods
that fit into the ‘twig’ category is to fish
dry flies, to smaller hungry trout, eager
to scoff them down.
Although frustrated that conditions
often didn’t suit the dry fly fishing I had
hoped for, it did force me to fish the
Flex in ways I normally wouldn’t use an
8-ft 4-wt, and hence get a better under-
standing of the rod and its capabilities
in conditions that would really push the
little rod to its limits.
A feature which has really impressed
me is the ‘hidden’ power the little Flex
holds in the mid and butt sections of the
rod. When needed, the shorter Flex has
enough power to turn over relatively
heavy nymphs and larger flies, to punch
casts into head winds (a feature of last
Tassie spring), and enough power in the
butt to fight and control solid fish. When
loaded up with larger flies or a nymph/
dry combo, the rod loads deep into the
blank and has the power to turn over
flies and long leaders.
When the weather permitted, the
8-ft flex really excelled as a beautiful
dry fly rod; the rod has a medium fast
action, and while its tip is firm, it’s not
stiff! — the last thing you want in a small
stream rod. Firm is good, allowing the
rod to deliver a hook-set after a take, to
cast nice tight loops, to assist with line
control when mending, but still allowing
plenty of shock absorbing forgiveness to
prevent unwanted snap-offs when play-
ing fish on light tippets. The rod excels
when casting short to medium lengths,
tracks very well and gives plenty of feel
and feedback to the angler. Even little
fish are great fun on the small Flex.
I have used the little Scott in creeks,
streams, rivers and lakes. While not
the ideal rod for the Tasmanian high-
land lakes, the few times I used it when
chasing tailing trout around shallow
lake edges it proved its ability to pres-
ent flies ‘softly’ to spooky fish in shal-
low water, and was great fun when
bent right down to the handle fighting
larger fish!
The Flex 804-4 is really a terrific
small stream rod that does everything
you would hope a rod in this category
should do (and more). The bonus of
being in the ‘mid price’ range (retails for
around $750 AUD) really gives the little
Flex a lot of appeal for those wanting
a ‘second rod’ for the occasional small
stream session, without having to break
the bank.
The Flex is a 4-piece, comes with Scott
rod bag and tube, and is backed with the
Scott original owner lifetime warranty.
Do yourself a favour and try one out!
The Gun Shop Pty Ltd t/as Rod& Gun
Dealer Lic No. 410 142 343
5/12 Jindalee Road Port Macquarie NSW 2444
[email protected]
Ph: (02) 6581 1388
9am - 4pm Mon- Fri • Sat by appointment

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