Men’s Fitness Australia – June 2017

(Ron) #1


Concentrated juice is little more than a type of sugary water and it’s best
to eat oranges in their natural form, right? Yes, but there’s a but: while
OJ is high in sugar and best avoided if you’re trying to get lean, research
shows that drinking it gets you more of two key compounds found in
oranges — vitamin C and cancer-fighting carotenoids. The research,
published in theJournal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry, found
that while pasteurising did lower levels of vitamin C and carotenoids
in juice, it increased the bioaccessibility of both compared with eating
oranges, meaning your body is better able to use the compounds. So the
occasional glass can in fact be good for your health.


Eating lots of
produce not only
helps you lose
weight, strengthen
your heart and
make you all-
around healthier
but also can help
improve your
personality and
outlook on life.
(PLOS One)

■Make room for
The exotic, bioactive
compounds in some
edible and medicinal
mushrooms may
protect the brain,

■Wake up early
People who typically
wake up earlier
make more
balanced and
healthier choices
throughout the
night owls, who
eat more sugar in
the morning and
less protein all day.

■Eat fruits and veg
to get happier

improve cognition
and help prevent the
onset of Alzheimer’s
disease. (Journal of
Medicinal Food)

■Swish with
Runners who swish
but don’t swallow
sugar water can
boost endurance
by close to three
minutes, leading to
faster times — just
the taste primes
the brain to up
the body’s energy
output. (Human

out nutrition

Guys will probably be fighting online for
millennia about the best time to get protein
during the day (see page 103). To add to
the chorus, a new study from the Uni of Illinois
in the US recently tackled the subject in a two-
phase experiment on rats.
First, they gave two groups three meals a day
with 16% of calories from protein — one fed animal-
based protein from whey or eggs, another plant
protein from soy and wheat — and found that the
animal group had increased muscle synthesis,
while the veggie eaters gained 20% more body fat.
The second part focused only on whey protein
with one group getting a balanced amount of
protein through the day, while the other got
ramped-up protein as the day went on.The
study showed that rats with the balanced
protein had greater muscle mass than those
on the unbalanced diet.
Human studies are up next, but count this as
one more recommendation for an all-day,
balanced-protein feeding for greater gains.

Eat protein like you

think about sex:

all day long

A glass of wine is as
good as certain fruits
and vegetables in
improving erectile
function, and can
even offer the same
performance benefits
as doing a one-hour
brisk walk five times
a week, according to
research published in
theAmerican Journal
Of Clinical Nutrition.
That’s because
red wine, berries
(especially blueberries,
blackberries and
cherries) and citrus
fruits are high in
compounds called
flavonoids and —
according to the study
of more than 50,000
men — those who
regularly ate flavonoid-
rich foods were 10%
less likely to suffer
erection problems.

Is it true that red
wine can help
guys get it up?

Ask Men’s Fitness

If she’s offering
the red stuff,
maybe she wants
the bed stuff.

Start the day
at sparrow’s
fart and you
will eat more
healthily than
night owls.
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