Men’s Fitness Australia – June 2017

(Ron) #1


“From head to toe a lot of muscles are involved, in particular the posterior chain of the body which is a common
weakness,” says Hamilton. “With all these muscles being used itmakes the deadlift a great option for losing fat

and building muscle mass because of the high demands placed on the body.”

What do most people
get wrong?

“They lift with a rounded back,”
says Hamilton. “This more
or more of three things: bad
technique, lacking the mobility
back position,or just too much
weight on the bar.”

What to do do if you’re
struggling to perform it well

“If you can’t maintain a good back
position when pulling from the
floor, elevate the barbell in a
rack or on some plates,” says
Hamilton. “This will reduce
the mobility requirements,
helping you to keep the correct
the height you pull from, alongside
performing mobility work.”

The essential
assistance move

“Paused deadlifts, where you lift
the bar from the floor and hold
helpful,” says Hamilton. “They’re
great for learning to maintain the
correct positioning and not let
your hips shoot up too fast,
so that you end up pulling from
the lower back.”

“Keep the barbell close,” says
Hamilton. “Holding a heavy
weight close to the body makes
it much easier to lift. And your
starting position should be
with the bar covering the knot
in your shoelaces.”



Start with your
feet shoulderwidth
apart, holding
the bar with an
overhand grip (an
alternate grip with
one overhand and
one underhand is
also fine). Position
the bar so that
your shoulders are
over it and it is
directly above your
midfoot. To initiate
the movement, pull
your shoulders
back to activate
your lats, make
sure your
are loaded and
pull the bar off
the ground by
your legs, keeping
the angle of
your torso the
same. As th bar
passes your
knees, straighten
up until you’re
standing upright,
then reverse the
movement back to
the start. If it’s a
very heavy weight,
you can drop the
bar – carefully – at
the top.

HOW DO YOU RATE?Beginner1.5 xbodyweight •Intermediate 2 x BW •Advanced 2.5 x BW

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