Grand Designs Australia – Issue 6.3 – May 2017

(ff) #1
“People often ask what inspires me when designing a home for them,
and how do I go about developing a design to suit their family? The
answer to this always gets back to a few core principles which I have
implemented into our design philosophy over the past twenty years
of design practice: Put simply, what inspires me is what inspires the
client – I like to get an understanding of who they are as people and
how they like to live, what elements and materials do they respond to
and how they like to imagine themselves living, as their families grow
and needs change over time.

Similarly, designing a building that is adapted to its locality and
context is paramount in my mind, whether the location is urban, rural
or coastal by nature, in developing the built form it must be responsive
to its setting, topography and climate, and to ultimately allow the
occupants to positively connect with this environment. These core
design principles form the foundation to our design responses and
always ensure that what we design is all about you, and your story.
We feel that the building we form around that story is there to enhance
your life experience and how we engage in that process will dictate
the success of the architecture in which it results.”

“Designing a home which enriches our clients life experience and

then surpasses all their expectations, is what truly inspires us.”

James Cooper, Director - Sanctum Design

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