Grand Designs Australia – Issue 6.3 – May 2017

(ff) #1
a double hedge to not only create a backdrop for
the main garden view, but a secret, secondary
vista where the context is created for a stunning
bronze sculpture titled Under the Moonlight by
Christian Maas,” says Carolyn.
Brimming with plants and fl owers that
“nourish the senses”, the garden is not one
that follows the trends, but stays true to a
classic design that puts timeless materials and
greenery front and centre.
With the garden, which was presented by
The Greenery Garden Centre, securing the City
of Melbourne Award for Excellence for the Best
in Show, the Mark Bence Construction Award,
a Gold Medal, and The Horticultural Media
Association Award for the Best Use of Plant Life,
the proof is in the pudding — or in this case,
the planting.
“We wanted to create a garden that aged well
and improved over time,” says Carolyn. “The
story is one of timeless refi nement, enjoyment,
style and the importance and value of having
a lovely garden in your life every day.”

ABOVE & RIGHT The ultra-contemporary
square water feature is a highlight of the
project for Carolyn of Vivid Design



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