Grand Designs Australia – Issue 6.3 – May 2017

(ff) #1
This diffi cult site with a challenging soil
structure and strong winds has been
established into a place of tranquillity

Peeking through the fence to a haven
of green that lies beyond

The Japanese-themed courtyard
utilises the outer garden

The designer, LAND Landscape
Architects, integrated both formal
and native plantings

The paving is 500mm x 500mm concrete
pavers selected by the building architect to
blend with the tones of the house. The architect
required the pavers to be cut to match the
building features.
“This property is a real team eff ort with
the design personnel, construction crew,
maintenance team and the very enthusiastic
owners who love gardening and growing their
own produce,” says Joe. “It is a diffi cult site

with a challenging soil structure and strong
winds, but after eight years the garden has been
established into a place of tranquillity that can
be enjoyed. For me, a garden is a place to enjoy,
to be amazed by and to relax in.”
This peaceful Japanese-style garden with
native infl uences is the perfect example of
this design philosophy, and importantly, also
provides the owners with a strong connection
to Japan in their new home.



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