Grand Designs Australia – Issue 6.3 – May 2017

(ff) #1

Armadill o & Co

The perfect mix of ethics and aesthetics



ight years ago, Sally Pottharst and
Jodie Fried were frustrated that they
couldn’t fi nd products on the market
which combined ethics and aesthetics.
Unable to source simple handmade, high-
quality and timeless designs, they decided
to create their own — without compromising
sustainability or social responsibility in the
process — and Armadillo & Co was born.
Jodie holds a Bachelor of Design from NIDA
and Sally has extensive experience teaching
art and design, however their process is far
from calculated. “Sally and I rely heavily on
working from instinct,” explains Jodie. “We
draw inspiration from travel, textures and
uncommonly beautiful details that speak to
us. Our vision is global and we are inspired by
all sorts of cultures and crafts, which we then
manage to thread back into our work.”
The combination of Sally’s education
in South Africa and Jodie’s background in
designing costumes for Bollywood fi lms has
undeniably culminated in an obsession with
traditional cultures and exotic textures. “Every
year we travel to India to gain inspiration
and create new ideas for our products, always
fi nding the best ideas when we are immersed in

Indian culture,” reveals Jodie.
This annual pilgrimage has refi ned their
design and material knowledge. Their recent
Latitude collection welcomed products hand-
knotted in pure wool, including the new
customisable incarnation of Origami, which has
a palette of up to seven colours.
By taking inspiration from the craft of
weaving itself, Sally and Jodie have perfected
the art of unique design. Rather than catering
specifi cally for consumers, Sally and Jodie use
the collaboration between weaver and materials
to create incredible designs, textures and
colours. “More often than not, our most popular
rugs are those that we loved and most wanted in
our own homes,” says Jodie, and that’s because
they put quality above profi t.
As the company has grown, and despite their
commitment to design, Sally and Jodie have
stated that reducing their resources and energy
consumption is paramount. “We strive for our
products and processes to leave as little impact
on the earth as possible and use a ‘reuse, reduce
and recycle’ philosophy,” assures Jodie.
An organic, grass-roots product that’s
as sustainable as it is beautiful? Now that’s
something we can support.



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